Young Kids Born From Illegal Aliens Make Video Giving Trump the Finger and Using the Ef Bomb – IOTW Report

Young Kids Born From Illegal Aliens Make Video Giving Trump the Finger and Using the Ef Bomb

I’ll let you, the readers, editorialize this in the comments.

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ht/ tsunami

57 Comments on Young Kids Born From Illegal Aliens Make Video Giving Trump the Finger and Using the Ef Bomb

  1. No kind deed goes unpunished. We never should have allowed our immigration laws to be ignored for so long. Now they feel that they have the right to be here, and they don’t.

  2. Laugh Bitches, we are building a wall as sure as Hilary’s got rug burns on her face.
    Not to keep your kind out (which would have been the solution 30 years ago) but to keep your asses IN!
    President Shit For Brains has dragged us into a staggering 20 trillion debt and you burrito eating fuckers who have been sucking off the Ameracan Teat enjoying first world delights and dandies, are going to help pay it off.
    So you better practice your English.
    Yes, I do want fries with that.

  3. That little fucker needs to head back to Jalisco, Mexico.
    It takes about ten years for the agave plant to mature.
    He needs to be there to harvest the crop planted today.
    I hope to still be sipping some fine tequila by then that you jimadored by hand, you little bitch.

    I bet they had to teach you the English words phonetically.

    BTW, Trump will do more for Mexicans than your own fucked up country would ever have done for you, that is why you are HERE and not there.
    Amiright, you little prick?

  4. F that, deport them all. “How can you separate families?”, we’re not! We’ll deport all them together. We have Americans in Ferguson MO complaining that they can’t get jobs. I hope they like working in a slaughterhouse.

  5. If we deport them with FIRST CLASS TICKETS – IT STILL SAVES AMERICA MONEY! So, let’s start a “humane” campaign for the asshole Libs – DEPORTATION with FIRST CLASS TICKETS to MEXICO!

  6. After having a reaction much like Joe’s, I did my standard self-check: if this were the child of conservative parents being used in the same way to protest Planned Parenthood, would I be as disgusted? The answer is yes. This is just wrong, no matter whose side the little delinquent is being used and abused by.

  7. God damn it Magnum, you do more to turn me against Cruz than Trump.?Can I read something about this with out your constant bull shit? I can’t possibly be the only person feeling this way. And honestly I should have posted this on the story north of this. Because I’m thinking “Well this is pretty cool on Cruz’s part” Then I read your stuff. I need to fucking find another place to educate myself about Cruz with out your fanatical bull shit. You just might lose the election for him. Damn.

  8. Listen Mr. P. you know I love you, but your single minded Trump shit is shit. Stop it! We have a pile of great candidates and “they” have old white people. I get that you and Trump are friends, but let him choose his path. You are not helping.

  9. You can always depend on the Democrat left to drill a hole in the bottom of the barrel so they can sink lower than anyone has gone before.

    It’s been less than a year since they launched a similar stunt with little girls. .

    The children in the video are part of the problem. But they are not responsible for this vile classless video. Their parents are along with the other adults they surround them with.

  10. Rat-people can’t help being rat-people – and this commercial is proof positive. A bunch of foul-mouthed, diseased, rat-people railing about a country that’s been too good to them.

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