SNL About To Lose Its Political Relevance Says Progressive – IOTW Report

SNL About To Lose Its Political Relevance Says Progressive

The A.V. Club, a left-leaning site that monitors pop culture and media, is pissed because Trump will be hosting Saturday Night Live this week.

The writer of the piece is upset because it appears that Trump may not be “Bashired” in the mouth, and this could help him in the polls. (God FORBID, this is not what SNL is SUPPOSED to do!)

He longs for the days when Chevy Chase was able to “cement the image of Gerald Ford as a stumblebum” in the minds of the American lofo. (Ford was a high-level collegiate athlete, while Carter was afraid of swamp rabbits.)

He longs for the day when stations pulled the Al Sharpton hosted show because it violated the “equal time” provision. Meanwhile, this appearance of Trump’s IS EQUAL TIME. (I don’t recall A.V. Club having a problem with Hillary’s recent appearance.)

He longs for the days when SNL tricked Ford into participating in a cold opening (Live from New York, this is Saturday Night…) which was preceded by very vulgar, outrageous content, making it seem like Ford endorsed it. (hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa. Now THAT’S what SNL is for!)

The writer also warns that Lorne Michaels might be becoming the character that was loosely based on him in the Tim Robbins vehicle Bob Roberts.

The writer chooses to highlight one of the more ridiculous premises about Bob Roberts, that he’s a far-right candidate who sings a song that, I guess, a far-right candidate would write – Screen Shot 2015-11-05 at 2.39.15 PM

the anti-smoking song, (??)

(Maybe the writer should bring up Tipper Gore, the “right-winger” who went to capital hill in order to argue for a music ratings system.)

I guess the writer is unaware that his party is the anti-freedom party. It would be revealed to him if he just reread his own piece with an open mind.

ht/ just the tip


19 Comments on SNL About To Lose Its Political Relevance Says Progressive

  1. I predict that. SNL will lose whatever political relevance for the exact opposite reason: They will cave in to the shrieking mobs and disinvite Trump. Which will be a bigger triumph for him than hosting the show would have been.

  2. He won’t be dis-invited. He showed up two days ago to meet with the cast and Michaels to go over their skits.

    Take a look at Harbqll’s bullpen post about “DeportRacism”. This group that is offering “cold, hard cash” (5 large) to anyone who will shout out that “Trump is a racist!” during the show. It’s the same group who just pimped children for their cause. I’m sure Trump has a plan for this if it happens.

    A queer named Luke Montgomery figures dominantly (oh, that’s good) in their club. Here’s his bio. Sorry, I’m all out of airsick bags.

    On second thought, I will spare you. I feel nauseous enough for all of us. Here’s the link to deportracism’s website, and his bio. I’m trying to find out who is funding them. Take to your social media and bash them, taunt them, laugh at them. Do it.

  3. That just reminded me of Code Pink. What happened to them? They all on Hillary’s staff now? I bet Trump has those cows’ faces on his security team’s deck of cards.

    These militant amnesty fools are about to step on their dicks if they go in and try to coopt SNL for their own show. What would really be funny is SNL writing in some fake hecklers in the opening bit, just to deflate whatever Alinsky bullshit was lurking in the audience.

  4. Haven’t these assholes figured out that every time someone or some group bashes Trump his ratings go up. They’er painting themselves into a corner of oblivion and strengthening our case against them.

  5. This is perfect. Trump.will come.out onstage, read the cash bounty offer out loud, lead the entire crowd to repeat the insults, tell them all what they just won,and present the bill to the Alinskyeros for the Mexicans to pay.

  6. SNL hasn’t been culturally relevant since the mid-80s. It lost it’s politically relevant at the same time.

    Only the left looks to mass media to affirm that their agenda , and with out Jon Stewart they’ve lost their favorite smirking simpleton to look up to.

  7. MJA – I know what you mean, but as a foolishly life-long viewer, you can easily single out their best skits (30 years worth) in a six-hour mini-series. Objectively, I recall one hilarious piece for every three or four “meh” ones, and the same number of losers. The best are always the surprises – who knew Christopher Walken could be so funny or Derek Jeter could make fun of himself in a dress? Maybe Trump can try to be self-deprecating for a skit or two and have Ben Carson operating on his brain?

  8. Trump should come on stage, talk about the anticipated activism attack and counter-offer $10K to anyone who had taken the previous offer if they will instead shout, “Trump gets the Hispanic vote!”. Let’s see just how much cause loyalty costs these days.

  9. Duh, I knew this dummy was a progressive by his failure to grasp capitalistic concepts.

    Surprise! SNL was not created to be “politically relevent.” That was just the collateral damage, so to speak. It was created as a way to make money for the National Broadcasting Company.

    Please explain to me how having the wildly popular Donald Trump as host of this show could not reasonably be expected to achieve this raison d’etre.

  10. Reminds me of the conversation George Bernard Shaw had with the lady wherein the punchline was, “We’ve already established (what kind of a woman you are), Madam. Now we’re just negotiating a price.”

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