Cops Volunteer To See If Your Car is Unlocked, If It Is They will Take Valuables To the Police Station – IOTW Report

Cops Volunteer To See If Your Car is Unlocked, If It Is They will Take Valuables To the Police Station

UPDATE: After just ONE DAY, Cops Back off

We’re From The Government, We’re Here To Help You 

New Haven Connecticut police have introduced a new “service” for its citizens.

They will look into cars and if they spot valuables in plain sight, they will check to see if the car is unlocked. If it is, they will take the items down to the police station and “hold it” for you so you can pick it up.

Uhhhhhhh, that’s okay. Stay out of my car without a warrant.

This is nothing but a way to get around illegal searches. The chaos it will produce vastly outweighs the benefits, so, something smells here.

ht/ fdr in hell

21 Comments on Cops Volunteer To See If Your Car is Unlocked, If It Is They will Take Valuables To the Police Station

  1. What the fuck is wrong with the human brain anymore?

    Isaiah 5:20 keeps going through my mind day, after day, after day….more and more I see it in everything I read and see – like a warning for my soul to heed.

    “Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.”

    Has anyone else besides me noticed the deliberate backwardness of logic increasing so drastically recently???

  2. Not to forget –

    Proverbs 17:15
    “Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent– the LORD detests them both.”


    Amos 5:7
    “There are those who turn justice into bitterness and cast righteousness to the ground.”

    …and finally,

    2 Timothy 3:1-5
    “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come…”

  3. From the link:

    Sharp assures the public that when his officers are opening the door to your property and removing your belongings, with no search warrant and no probable cause, that this is 100 percent legal. “It’s called a caretaker,” explains Sharp.

    Note to Lt. Sharp: When I put a load of buckshot into the backside of the criminal POS that is stealing something from my car (regardless of how they are dressed or if they are wearing a badge), just remember that it is 100% legal and called being a “caretaker of my property”………… and the POS stealing will need for someone to call a different kind of “caretaker” for him.

    And you’re right Tsunami – anyone that studies the Bible will find some amazingly relevant passages that apply perfectly to today’s upside-down world.

  4. So we should do the same when we see an unlocked patrol car with the riot gun still in the rack? And what about that radar gun? Some criminal could steal that, no?

    This part right here describes your everyday ignorant street crook:

    “They will look into cars and if they spot valuables in plain site, they will check to see if the car is unlocked. If it is, they will take the items…”

    It would appear these bastards are smoking all the crack they confiscate. Maybe that’s the purpose of this whole thing — to get more dope?

  5. The police are under fire nationwide for “acting stupidly” and some dim bulb at the PD thinks this is a bright idea?
    Somebody failed civics.
    Good thing he got a job as a cop, guess all the rocket scientist slots were taken.

  6. Would they apply the same logic to the doors of one’s house?

    How about the door of a Dept store fitting room ?

    I thought police departments incorporate ‘training’?
    With Obola at the top, you’d expect this type of ‘training’.

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