‘I saw my baby’s beating heart’ – Why the left hates mandated ultrasounds – IOTW Report

‘I saw my baby’s beating heart’ – Why the left hates mandated ultrasounds

ht/ bcagee

The Extract –

A number of state proposals have sought to mandate that all prospective abortion clients view an ultrasound before their unborn children may be legally slaughtered in the womb. Perhaps unexpectedly, these efforts have been largely panned by pro-abortion activists and groups.

As it turns out, that backlash might have been warranted. If the story of one young mother is any indication, viewing a sonogram of a living human is a powerful motivation to preserve that life.

Claire Crawford identified herself as an average teen who found out she was pregnant at an inopportune time in her life. In a recent blog post, she wrote:

There were so many days when I cried my eyes out, thought, and sometimes said I should just get (or have gotten) an abortion. I begged God to help me.

Nearly three months pregnant at the age of 17, she said she took advantage of the free sonograms offered by a local Center for Pregnancy Choices facility. It was when she was first introduced to her unborn child that she knew ending its life would be impossible:

I saw my little bitty baby. I saw its heart beat. I did my nervous laugh, attempting to hold back my tears, as I watched my tiny baby jump and dance around. That’s when I knew that I was going to do this, whatever it took.



6 Comments on ‘I saw my baby’s beating heart’ – Why the left hates mandated ultrasounds

  1. any country that condones the killing of life in the womb would not give a second thought to killing a citizen if it benefitted it politically.

    neither would any of those politicians who support such action.

    I am talking about you hillary.

    your support of abortion alone makes you unelectable for a normal people.

  2. I’m so glad she didn’t decide her baby was a ‘punishment’! Even a young mother can turn it around!

    When I worked OB ( as an STNA) at a hospital and found out my husband and I were expected, I ultrasound-ed myself with the portable at about 10 weeks. Our little girl was bouncing around like a jumping bean, and her heart was beating away. There is no way not to cry!

    When I transferred to ER, we had a lady who had just found out she was pregnant, and had been involved in a car wreck. She was still very early. She was crying because she though her baby might not have survived.

    The ER nurse tried to find heart tones, but failed. She started sobbing. I told the nurse I could try, and he agreed. I explained to her that it could be difficult to find a heartbeat with a doppler so early, and not to be too upset if I couldn’t, and that her fundus would be low, so I’d have to go way under her belly button. She said that, of course, please try.

    After a few minutes, I found a strong heart beat! Her tears turned to joyful crying, because she knew her baby was strong and OK! I still tear up just remembering it!

    Seeing things like that… It just shows how very evil pro-abortionists really are!


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