Anonymous Releases Its “Real” List of KKK Members – IOTW Report

Anonymous Releases Its “Real” List of KKK Members

400 names. No politicians.

That’s some army. Awhile back I made the observation that if the KKK was so much a threat in this country, like Eric Holder and the DHS claimed, why were there no clashes in the streets with SJWs and #BlackLivesMatter?

Well, Anonymous gave us our answer. They said this list was the result of 11 months of digital espionage. They found 400 people. Lots of them are retirees. Whoopty friggin doo.

7 Comments on Anonymous Releases Its “Real” List of KKK Members

  1. The 64 thousand dollar question is:
    How many are registered Democrat?
    I grew up surrounded by blacks and racists, had the pleasure of watching my mother drink from the “Blacks” fountain, after telling her young just learning to read son the sign “Didn’t mean a damn thing!”.
    I knew racist KKK members, every one was a Democrat then and those still alive are still Democrats, a cat doesn’t change his stripes.

  2. If you want to find racists, look to the NAACP, SPLC, ACLU, Brown Pampers, Nation of Izlam, UNCF, DOJ, Cong. Black Caucus, #BLM, and any organization with the word “black” in the title.

  3. I say that’s bs.

    there are more than 400 registered democrat voters are there not?

    every democrat voter is a certified racist for believing minorities and the poor cannot live without handouts and special treatment from them.

    the democrat party is the kkk.

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