Pentagon Subcontractors Farm Jobs to Russians – IOTW Report

Pentagon Subcontractors Farm Jobs to Russians

NetCracker Technology Corporation and Computer Science Corporation have agreed to pay $12.75 million in civil penalties to settle a Justice Department investigation into their creation of a security breach in a military communication system.

russian contractors

Computer Science Corp had been paid $22 million to work on the computer networks of the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA).

They subcontracted the work to NetCracker who then outsourced the job to Russian programmers.


The Russians worked for 1/3rd of what security cleared U.S. programmers charge, with the added bonus of loading the DISA’s network with virus.

2 Comments on Pentagon Subcontractors Farm Jobs to Russians

  1. Honestly, this is but one snowflake in the blizzard of government contractor corruption, one drop in the ocean of government corruption.

    I wish I had grown up to be a federal contractor.

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