We Love Our Veterans – IOTW Report

We Love Our Veterans

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23 Comments on We Love Our Veterans

  1. I’m saving this collage, Claudia. My all time favorite. I lost it when I saw the pup running towards the pilot. (I imagine that’s what it’ll be like at Heaven’s gate.) Or either it really dusty in this room. Thank you.

  2. Mattis: Veterans are not victims

    “In a speech last month, Mattis tackled a concern that is on the minds of a number of combat leaders: A public that wants to paint veterans as victims and why that is potentially damaging to the fighting spirit of America’s warriors.

    “There is no room for military people, including our veterans, to see themselves as victims even if so many of our countrymen are prone to relish that role,” he said.

    Mattis said the U.S. military must be steeled to fight a fanatical enemy that has a medieval worldview. The enemy must be convinced that it has a warrior class that won’t back down.

    It should be noted that Gen Mattis was relieved as Cmdr. of US Central Command by Al Barak el Hussein ibn Obama, not by a phone call from Washington, but by a note passed to him by an aide. Semper Fidelis, General, Semper Fidelis


  3. Why do I get so misty over the pup pics? Maybe it is because I wish humankind had half the intelligence and loyalty as the average pooch. Thank you, Claudia. As always, your selections inspire and entertain!

  4. Just got home from church where they played a clip of Ronald Reagan’s 1984 D-Day speech…very moving to say the least. Now to come home and see this wonderful collection, well, it is the icing on the cake. Thanks so much for the heart you put into your critter collections each and every week Claudia. ALL of these photos are great, but like bayouwulf, seeing that little pup running for joy towards his guy made my heart do a little somersault.

  5. Ack!! I see two spies!!

    Squirrels are rats with a good daytime PR cover – fluffy tails!

    Just ask any of those dogs or the cat if they need a good chasing, they know an infiltrator when they see one…


  6. I know what you mean about the pup running to greet his human. The flying ears capture the pure joy that loyal soul is expressing. We don’t even need to see the face; we know the eyes are glistening and the tongue is lolling from a wide open grin!

  7. Think about this – volunteer to raise a puppy for Southeastern Guide Dogs. After about 12 -18 months the dog goes back for training as a service dog for veterans or the visually impaired. Once the dog has completed training it is then placed with their new owner.

    There is no charge to veteran or to the visually impaired person receiving the dog. No charge for two weeks of on site training with the new owner. The dogs serve veterans with PTSD, chronic pain, and other disabilities.

    I know, it sounds too good to be rue.


  8. Great pictures Claudia. The services of a number of countries have made great strides with their treatment of military dogs in the past few decades. Those that complete their service now have a great shot at a comfortable retirement home and a family which they can love, maybe even their last handler.

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