Carson In Favor of Puerto Rico Becoming 51st State – IOTW Report

Carson In Favor of Puerto Rico Becoming 51st State

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18 Comments on Carson In Favor of Puerto Rico Becoming 51st State

  1. Yeah. I just read that at Gateway Pundit, too.
    Talk about SELF-IMMOLATION!

    First, he gets the biggest push of his life from backlash to the Politico smear, but wastes it by highlighting his support of Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership. And then he follows it up with statehood for a bankrupt, Democrat (I know…redundant) stronghold?!?

    NOT “wtf”…but rather GFY, Ben.

  2. Gee Ben WhyTF complain about the job the left dominated media is doing on you when you keep opening them soup coolers and saying the dumbest shit just about anyone on our side is saying?

    Off the top of my head
    Semi automatic weapons shouldn’t be in the hands of us pee-ons
    Prison turns men into homos
    The pyramids could have been built 4 million years ago and were built as grain silos
    He said he locke himself in the bathroom and obsessed about knives
    And now this, PR as the 51st state?

    Great. Let’s make Somila the 52nd and Yemen the 53rd

  3. Dr. Carson had so much going for him; mainly the perception that because he was a brain surgeon, he was incredibly smart about most anything else, including leading a country. I’m beginning to believe some of the anti-Carson press. Has he got some really close anesthesiologist friends?

  4. Menderman, Cruz has been good looking since day one. I didn’t like Carson after his comments on guns. It’s called discernment… what lots of people didn’t have when they went ape shit over Obama.

  5. I know. A long-time friend and someone who is dependably conservative said in a conversation last night that she was sorry that Rubio wasn’t doing so well. I was floored! After another 20 mins of chatting, she came to understand exactly what a Rubio ticket would mean. She lives out in the sticks, her internet connection is slow as dial-up and her main source of news is Fox. She knows Fox is crud, and she has a super-busy life, working and taking care of her parents so she hasn’t kept up with the details and has no idea what has been going on this cycle.
    I’m sending her some resources so she can catch up.

    Take away: Don’t assume your conservative friends are up-to-speed on the internal struggle in the GOP. Talk to them early.

  6. we need another black president about as much as we need more elijah commings’ & the hundreds of black legislators across the
    country who only care about black people filling their pockets.
    we’ll get a lotta’ new surprises if this dude gets in..

  7. This move by Carson is driven by his religion, Seventh Day Adventist, a sect of Christianity, at best. They are on an evangelist track right now and are seeking more converts. Who better to evangelize Puerto Rico than Carson, a celebrity Adventist. He knows as a US President, he will be able to grant favors, using US taxes, to nations and territories to propagate his religion.
    Carson has over played his hand, because those of us who are paying attention see the shades of a typical Obama maneuver. This type of behavior is why Carson would not make a good president. He is too easily influenced by priorities that do not benefit the American people.

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