California’s First Transgender HS Cheerleader – IOTW Report

California’s First Transgender HS Cheerleader

Another historic first!!!  Henry, at first, thought he was merely a homo. But, no. There is so much more spotlight to gain by saying you’re actually a girl! Queers are just so… yesterday.

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20 Comments on California’s First Transgender HS Cheerleader

  1. Where are the feminists? First they came for woman-of-the-year, and I said nothing, because I thought Glamour magazine doesn’t matter. Then they came for cheerleaders, and I said nothing, because I hated cheerleaders as vapid examples of female oppression. Then transgenders proved that men are better at everything women can do, and I did nothing except accept my second-class status.

  2. personally I do not care if someone wants to dress as the other sex and pretend to be the other sex. If they lop things off or add things on, fine as long as they do it on their dime. BUT I am DAMN SICK AND TIRED of it being a news story. There are real issues and problems in this world to keep people informed about and we get this constant stream of crap about a handful of confused attention desperate people. How do we boycott the media form covering these non-stories and get them to share real news?
    And none of my tax dollars should go to make any of there disfigurements.

  3. What’s equally sick is that people out there are ok with this. Pull your kids out of those indoctrination centers!

    And what do you call that thing hanging from his neck, is that a butthole costume? Maybe that would explain the way he was born.

  4. Disagree. Disagree STRONGLY.
    When the left can redefine what it means to be a man or a woman, and you just roll over and say, “fine, as long as you pay for it,” the world is their oyster.
    You’re paying for schools, no?
    The schools are doing most of this redefining.

    What is it you want to pay for? The military? The gay ol’ military has been redefined.
    What it means to be a soldier has been redefined.

    Pay for the police?
    The police has been redefined. They are the most dangerous of all predators out there on the street and the number one enemy of the poor black folk.

    We’ve gone, in just a few years, from marriage being between a man and a woman to “ya, ya, you’re a woman, Carl, just don’t make me pay for anything.”
    When science ultimately declares that this is a disease, you’ll be paying for sex reassignments.

  5. My kids are not going to be allowed to interact with these perverts, deviants and weirdos. I do not tolerate disgusting sinful actions. I have a moral compass and God will not be mocked.

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