Nature vs. Nurture – IOTW Report

Nature vs. Nurture

The Kings College of London has been conducting a longitudinal study of 15,000 identical pairs of twins for the last 18 years. Called the twins early development study, or TEDS for short, the work pretty conclusively demonstrates that nature (i.e. inherited genes) outweighs nurture (environment) when it comes to intelligence.


Then there’s Deepak Chopra and Rudolph Tanzi, both with new books called Super Genes.

These two believe that “most of what you inherit is written in clay rather than in stone. That means you have a chance to be the sculptor.”

Essay on TED Study and Education Here

Super Genes Summarized Here

2 Comments on Nature vs. Nurture

  1. I wouldn’t believe a single word that Deepak Chopra says about anything. He’s full of shit clear up to his eyebrows. Never take advice from some new age phony baloney whose biggest claim to fame is spewing bs during PBS pledge drives. I can’t stand the guy or PBS pledge drives for that matter which is why I’ll never give even a wooden nickel to PBS.

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