HuffPo Editor: Threats Made by Mizzou Prof to Reporter Understandable; Media at Fault – IOTW Report

HuffPo Editor: Threats Made by Mizzou Prof to Reporter Understandable; Media at Fault

Alexander Howard, the Senior Editor for Technology and Society for the Huffington Post, claimed that Black Lives Matter’s threatening actions toward a journalist yesterday made sense because the Media portrays them in “negative ways.”

Yesterday, Tim Tai, a freelance photojournalist for ESPN, was repeatedly yelled at, threatened, and physically moved while taking video of a protest at the University of Missouri. Assistant Professor Melissa Click was also captured in the video saying “I need some muscle” so that she could remove Tai from the protest.

What Mr. Tai did was perfectly legal. However, Howard writes for the Huffington Post that you can’t blame Black Lives Matter or Professor Click for their actions. He doesn’t outright excuse what they did, but Howard does say it makes sense.

“Given the irresponsible, negative ways that #BlackLivesMatter activists have been portrayed in the media this fall,” he writes, “it’s not hard to see why these college students would have been suspicious or even actively hostile to national media coverage.”

The fact of the matter is that “we can’t simply divorce the history of how U.S. media have depicted minorities from the distrust of college activists today. Consider, for instance, how differently U.S. media has portrayed white suspects in shootings and black victims.”

Journalists, like Tai, shouldn’t just publish whatever they capture, because “the ethics code from the Society for Professional Journalists includes a section on minimizing potential harms to the subjects of stories, not just sources.”

Not only that, but maybe Mr. Tai should have thought twice about publishing what he recorded for another reason. “Journalists need to be able to be present at public protests in public spaces to bear witness,” Mr. Howard writes, “but that doesn’t mean that they must publish everything they see or hear. Now that 68 percent of Americans use smartphones, we also share a responsibility to respect the privacy of others.”

Anyone witnessing protests needs to realize, Howard continues, that “publishing a photo or video online should not only have public interest value but balance potential harms against the long-term consequences of recording and publishing.

“I hope that in the days and month to come, students, staff and faculty at more universities around the country find ways to support both sides of that equation,” he concludes.

22 Comments on HuffPo Editor: Threats Made by Mizzou Prof to Reporter Understandable; Media at Fault

  1. I wonder how loud the Huff&Puff editor would scream if the same standards were applied to HIM (her/it/whatever)? He’d probably be Huffin’&Puffin’ about the right of the free press, the right of the people to know, and the First A (which has nothing to do with this situation).

    Goose, gander, sauce. Apply Liberal-ly (see what I did there?) and equally to both.

    F**kin’ hypocrite.

  2. “What Mr. Tai did was perfectly legal.”

    No, not that, silly. What he did to win the scorn of so many turds and turdettes was to expose the utter hypocrisy of students whining for “inclusivity” but being willfully exclusive of an Asian photojournalist.

    I hope Professor Click didn’t slam the door on her ass as she left. Have fun in the unemployment line, babe.

  3. Howard is a typical progressive. Being responsible for one’s actions is simply something they do not comprehend. Well they sort of do… to them is a ‘micro-aggression’. What that terms really refers to is that certain words cause an uncomfortable and alien feeling in their minds… thinking….. and they want no part of that.

    If one screams violent rhetoric, if one behaves like a petulant child or makes ridiculous racist demands then what other recourse is there for press coverage that conveys a negative impression?

  4. Hey, wait a minute! Who does this chinaman think he is, reporting on oppressed brown and black persons, and their white masters?

    No doubt there is a plan to send this blue-eyed devils running-dog coolie back to Asia.

  5. Because it has a good school of engineering. Almost all the students (of all colors) at Mizzou aren’t in agreement with the libturd, perpetually aggrieved BLM, and they need the support of sane adults. And that’s why we should care.
    Also, it’s coming soon to a university near you and me, especially now since the libturds capitulated.

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