Insu LTD – IOTW Report

Insu LTD

The only thing that makes this video less than a perfect 10 is that the makers put Rachel Maddow in it as an example of a talking head that you might want to filter out.

This video aims SQUARELY at the left. The left does not want to filter out Maddow.

Otherwise, this is beautiful. Send to a progtard today.

Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 4.28.54 AM

ht/ MichaelMcDonald628

7 Comments on Insu LTD

  1. Perfect timing-I keep getting emails from an old client about “climate change”, got one this morning about Exxon. Sheesh.

    40 years of non realized, hysterical predictions and 18 years of not only no temperature increase but a slight cooling isn’t enough for him.

    So I sent him the link

  2. They put Rachel Madcow in it, but they also put Bill O’Reilly, so in my opinion it balances out. That way it can apply to people on either end of the political spectrum who are too rigid and dogmatic to participate in a logical and intelligent exchange of ideas and opinions.

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