Pride – IOTW Report


I’m reposting this because it’s apropos right now, and also because I’ve received it around 3 times in the past month in my email box, sans credit.

(I did this when the picture of the computer generated image of the aggregate white man was released. Is that 3 or 4 years ago?)


5 Comments on Pride

  1. I got stuck behind some beaner sitting in the middle of an intersection waiting to make a left turn, the light changed and she didn’t go, so I honked.

    As I sped around her all I saw were those huge beaner teeth and her middle finger, she was so entitled.

  2. Hey…all you niggas, beaners, spics, zipper heads and injuns..go f#@k your selves. No matter what…you can never be wite, ie educated, smart, successful, married, wealthy or happy. Becuz you iz stupid and lazzie

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