New Dummy Litmus Test – If You’re Sporting This Image You May Be Part of the Problem – IOTW Report

New Dummy Litmus Test – If You’re Sporting This Image You May Be Part of the Problem


Is this a “wish” for peace? Keep wishing while doing nothing about what is causing the opposite of peace – MUSLIMS.

Want to hear from another worthless bint with his head in his ass?

18 Comments on New Dummy Litmus Test – If You’re Sporting This Image You May Be Part of the Problem

  1. Mark Ruffalo, you are ignorant. Your interpretation of the intended outcome is different from the 7th century barbarian moslems. They make it crystal clear that THEIR intended outcome is a worldwide caliphate and YOUR death or conversion. You and fellow ignoramuses are a danger to the rest of us.

  2. This is a sample of stoopid commentary on my FB feed-littered with lefties.

    “More people die from lack of Medicaid expansion than are killed by terrorists.”

    Idiots. All of them. Idiots.

    Yes, and my news feed is littered with the Eiffel Tower peace sign.

  3. The futile ,empty gesture of the day seems to be lemmings putting the French flag colors on their Facebook profile photo.

    That’ll show ’em.

    Can hard target Teddy bears and hashtags be far behind?

    One music site page posted a photo of a pianist playing John Lennon’s dimwit anthem “Imagine” outside the Bataclan music hall.

    I commented that “The Fool on the Hill” would be more appropriate.

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