Mentally Confused Old Man in Democrat Debate Gives Weird Answer About Race Relations – IOTW Report

Mentally Confused Old Man in Democrat Debate Gives Weird Answer About Race Relations

I think it was Larry David, but I could be wrong, this guy was shorter and more hunched.

This new yawk sounding little, I believe, Jewish man said that too many black and Hispanic people are in jail, and to combat that he would… crack down on cops who murder black people. (??)

If you could unravel this logic, please do so.

He also said he would legalize marijuana.

How does legalizing marijuana keep blacks and Hispanics, who are disproportionally in jail for violent crimes including assault, rape, armed robbery and murder, out of jail?

Is his plan to get them so high they mellow out and forget to rob, rape and murder?

I’m not following the crazy old coot.


This old codger just said that it’s an embarrassment that we are the only major country in the world that doesn’t have “free” healthcare for all. He wants to know why healthcare isn’t a “right” and not a privilege.

Well, one reason, an obvious one, but not the only one, is that we cannot have free healthcare for all and OPEN FRIGGIN BORDERS!!!

You cannot have a welfare state and no effective border. It’s suicide.

Your move, Hunchy.


Is this the guy that the media says sounds funny when he talks, that he’s very New Yorky sounding and has a populist bent to his rhetoric?

I thought they were talking about Trump, but I don’t think this guy’s name is Trump.

Maybe it was Grump?



18 Comments on Mentally Confused Old Man in Democrat Debate Gives Weird Answer About Race Relations

  1. Well, you mentioned Trump so just let me say he Parked it tonight. He mentioned France has some of the toughest gun laws on the planet. Imagine if that happened here but people were aloud to carry? Different out come.

  2. Regarding legalizing drugs: I heard someone talking about this with the point that LOTS of the people in jail for drug possession actually were charged with a higher level crime but pleaded guilty to a lesser charge (drugs). She said if we legalized drugs, the same people would still be in jail but for longer sentences.

  3. I watched as much as I could (which was not a lot) and then I
    had to go back to the Paris attacks news just to get my mind clear
    and back to a safe place where thoughts actually are connected and mean something. In a nut shell that stage was filled with
    mental string theory and so painful to experience.

  4. “Free” healthcare?

    Nothing – with the possible exception of mother’s love – is free. Even the air we breathe contains some bad stuff that will damage our lungs over time.

    If the fool means “Gov’t run” or “Nationalized” healthcare, he should be honest enough to say so. This is intellectual dishonesty of the severest sort – a lie to enslave the gullible – and should be punishable.

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