“My Safe Space” – South Park – IOTW Report

“My Safe Space” – South Park

Full Episode HERE

9 Comments on “My Safe Space” – South Park

  1. Nor should there be a “safe place”. Simple response is to grow a set (balls preferably a big set) and swing those babies around. Nothing sexier than a man who can carry his balls but can swing them when needed.

  2. I’ll tell you where there wasn’t a safe space. Inside that theatre in Paris. The Tree House has a photo up that’s been floating around today that captured the aftermath. If there where 5 ccw’s in that place they probably could have held the casualties around 10. Damn anti gun assholes get a lot of people killed. Tactically that wasn’t a bad spot to have a gun fight. Too bad.

  3. Not many kids at that concert. You got pillars, a mezzanine. Obstacles on the floor. Honestly I’ve run tactical drills like this. Target rich environment for a pistalero. I’d take this drill against two. And win. So sad really.

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  1. Watch South Park’s brilliant musical number destroying the notion of liberalism’s “safe space” | Western Free Press

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