iOTWreport PSA: Please be careful when you make flippant comments on social media – IOTW Report

iOTWreport PSA: Please be careful when you make flippant comments on social media

Chants of “Death to America” by Muslims, warnings of the coming caliphate, and celebration of Islamic massacres is very common on social media. The commenters never seem to lose their accounts. This could very well be because authorities put them on a watch list, and they are closely monitored. It could be how we uncover terror plots. Who knows?

But threats against Muslims are dealt with swiftly. Scarily so.

(SJWs can also get away with saying the most outrageous things- “Kill the police,” “No justice? You get the bullet”, etc. – and we don’t hear about any arrests. We hear that it’s free speech. The double standard exists, be careful.)

HT/ Rob e.

13 Comments on iOTWreport PSA: Please be careful when you make flippant comments on social media

  1. I’m not social and I don’t like the media.
    So social media is out for me.

    I do believe in my freedom of speech, as well as all my God given and the enumerated rights in our Constitution. I am also aware that many things have changed during obama’s transformation of the US.

    Not only have my rights been threatened, they’ve been curtailed. Those who are Christians, gun owners, conservatives, tea partiers etc. have been made out to be a national threat and extremists by numerous government agencies.

    I am also aware that these overly militarized agencies have the power of the federal government and the judiciary behind them to take everything from me including my life, regardless of my rights.

    I have a much greater understanding of the feelings, thoughts, attitudes and writings of with our forefathers.

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