Husband of Slain “Woman of the Year” Tells Glamour To Shove Their Award After Bruce Jenner Wins – IOTW Report

Husband of Slain “Woman of the Year” Tells Glamour To Shove Their Award After Bruce Jenner Wins

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17 Comments on Husband of Slain “Woman of the Year” Tells Glamour To Shove Their Award After Bruce Jenner Wins

  1. This is just the kind of offensive actions that need to be taken toward all of the progtard’s agenda to mainstream abnormal and amoral behaviors. I’m sorry this widower had to go through this, but my hat is off to him!

    We should be there at their every twist and turn. They won’ t be so bold and it will suck a lot if they have to deal with anyone who can mess up their mojo and every little bit helps.

  2. Come on everyone! “Caitlyn Jenner” is raising mental health awareness every time he speaks! The public needs to be made aware of such suicidal psychosis so that men who grow boobs yet leave their weiners and balls intact get the desparate help they truly need.

    And way to send back that award Sir!

  3. “Come on everyone! “Caitlyn Jenner” is raising mental health awareness every time he speaks!”

    I am fully aware what a nut case Bruce Jenner is. Every time I see him dressed as a woman, my mental instinct sets in and tells me that the guy needs to be strapped in a strait jacket and hauled off to a mental institution.

  4. Many New Yorkers will recognize the name Moira Reddy Smith, although people elsewhere might not. For while every police officer who died in the attack is a hero, Officer Smith’s contribution to the public safety was oustanding.

    Access from the south tower to the concourse level–where the entrance to subway and PATH trains and exits to the street were located–was through revolving doors. Approximately 15,000 people were in the tower when the evacuation began. Office Smith noticed the revolving doors were slowing the flow of evacuees into the concourse. She took her service revolver and shot out a glass panel between the lobby and the concourse. This enabled hundreds of people to leave per minute instead of dozens. Thousands of people owe their lives to her quick thinking.

    Bruce Jenner can kid himself all he wants, but he is not fit to shine Moira Smith’s dress uniform shoes.

  5. Good for him.
    When an organization gives an award it carries the implied integrity of the organization. If that integrity is obviously compromised then the worth of the Honorific goes down.
    Bruce Jenner is a man with a mental disorder that the Left is championing as a ‘Brave Choice’
    When he finally kills himself all those media whores will again parade on camera and emote on his bravery.
    The award is now worthless and should be thrown back.
    Her memory shall not be sullied by Glamour’s idiocy.

  6. I dunno Jerry, I don’t know anyone in the nuthouse, but I know plenty who should be. I see them in my town wandering around, holding cardboard signs, and a couple here and there laying on the sidewalk with drool coming out of their mouth. We have room to house refugees, but no room for these homeless people who were born here. Refugees and the homeless are one in the same, they are useless to society, they are only here to live off of the taxpayer, and I resent that. I don’t want to take care of anyone who can’t take care of themselves and who are able bodied to do it.

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