Why Should I Be Ashamed If I’m Islamophobic? – IOTW Report

Why Should I Be Ashamed If I’m Islamophobic?


29 Comments on Why Should I Be Ashamed If I’m Islamophobic?

  1. I saw a poster that said “the cult of islam has killed 270 million people in 1400 years. That’s 528 people per day or 22 people an hour. The casualties of islam are 9x that of Hitler and Stalin combined.”

    My question to people who accuse one of islampophobia—why do you love death?

    FWIW that poster is not totally correct because if you add the killings of Mao and Pol Pot, islamhas still murdered more human beings than anyone in the history of mankind. Sad thing is they are posed to rack up those numbers.

  2. You guys have been on fire lately with agitprop.

    I really like the one with “college aged men paving their safe place”.

    Of course the Mizzou to do seems like it was forever ago already with the Turdistans blowing shit up again.

  3. Here’s an idea.

    Spray pig blood on their stores, homes, mosques, everywhere they frequent.

    Taint all Halal food in the same way. Keep them always guessing.

    Leave no stone unturned. Gen. Black Jack Pershing understood this in his time. Nothing has changed since then.

    The West needs to make things as inhospitable as possible for these 7th Century scumbags.

    Hey raggies

  4. You are an Islamorealist or a Pisslamorealist.

    There is another board I have visited off and on since 1998. It’s devoted to needlework and 99.9% of the members are female. Some of the women there are so stupid I don’t know how they walk and breath at the same time.

    Sitting here and shaking my head not sure what to say that doesn’t involve profanity. There is still a significant number of brain dead idiots mewling about ‘this isn’t the real Islam, Christians and gun owners kill, we can’t refuse to take in these poor poor refugees, it’s all Israel’s fault’ and on and on – enough to fill a vomitorium. They seem to be from 3 places – California, Illinois and the Toronto, CA area. Can we nuke ’em?

    I don’t need to rant because what I am thinking everyone else here has thought.
    God help us all. At least the number of these numb brains is decreasing.
    Thanks for IOTWReport – LOL, my safe space from total and complete morons.

  5. People spewing stupid terms like ‘islamophobic’ are the enemy, or work for the enemy. Find out who pays their salary, and you’ll find more enemies. Follow the money, find the traitors.

    Our biggest problem is not actually the barbaric goat fuckers, but the treasonous facilitators in our various governments and their backers.

    If a group of people imports and turns loose tigers in a country, and they kill and eat people – sure, first you kill the tigers – then you hunt down the worthless bastards that imported the tigers and set them loose, and kill them too.

    If you don’t, they’ll just go find more tigers. Again, and again, and again.

  6. A “phobia” is related to an
    IRRATIONAL FEAR of something.

    Having a raised suspicion of these barbarians is utterly reasonable; wanting to deny them access to our culture is utterly rational.

    But….f*ck anyone who wants to call me that; I’ll just tell ’em they can suck a goat for all I care.

  7. Spot On.
    There is only one way to fight an enemy who craves death. Make them fear it. Black Jack knew what buttons to push
    If Lazlo were President I would announce that all bodies of all terrorists will be ground up and fed to pigs.
    Sucks to have your martyrdom nullified, huh Haji?

  8. The natterings of the Left and the labels they have in the can for people like me, are beneath my notice.
    To be wary of an ideology and its adherents who invoke the name of God while in the act of murder is called wisdom.

  9. I like the sentiment, but I’d like to not see the word “ashamed” because it gives too much strength to those who think we should be. Instead of “Why should I be ashamed…” , how about “It is right/just/honorable to hate evil.”

    (This is why I don’t create agitprop.)

  10. Colt LE 6920 AR15 for about 700.00 dollars. Glock SA .9mm or .45, Mossberg shotgun for 200.00 and a SW .38 revolver for close range self defense. Worthwhile investments… very practical and affordable. Effective.

  11. There is a big difference between hating muslimes and fearing them. I fear odinga, Hitlery, the leftist tyrants that are in cahoots with the treasonous media scumbags and dumb Americans. I do not fear goat fucking muslime child rapists.

    I drool for the day to arrive when several million Americans are hunting them in our streets and sawing them in half at the waist with high powered rifles.

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