Black Eyewitnesses Of Police Shooting Sound Completely Ludicrous – IOTW Report

Black Eyewitnesses Of Police Shooting Sound Completely Ludicrous

There was a black guy shot by police in Minneapolis. His name is Jamar Clark.

Police were responding to a domestic dispute. Clark’s girlfriend was being carried into an EMT vehicle when a scuffle broke out between the police and Jamar.

Jamar is brain dead in the hospital, shot in the head.

Witness’s statements sound absolutely ridiculous. They are saying the police had Jamar handcuffed and put him on the ground, put a knee in his back and fired an execution style shot into his head.

Witnesses claim Jamar Clark, in his 20s, was shot 'in the head execution style' by police on Sunday while he was in handcuffs 

I will be extremely shocked if there is footage that backs up these claims.

This simply sounds like more “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” bullsh!t.

18 Comments on Black Eyewitnesses Of Police Shooting Sound Completely Ludicrous

  1. He dindoo nuffin. These cops is rayciss and shit. Besides, this gentle giant was trying to turn his life around.

    Mama in 5, 4, 3, 2……”My son is a good boy……”

  2. is it really that difficult to go through life without a negative run in with the police? So far I have made it 55 years and never given the cops a reason to arrest or restrain me.

  3. The problem here is that there is no penalty applied for lying to the police and hindering their investigation. By that I should say that laws exist but are rarely enforced whether generally or just with minorities for fear of calls of “RACIISSST”. If people who gave false testimony were prosecuted I suspect the instances of this kind of behaviour would stop. I mean really, this is Minneapolis for pete sake’s

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