Dindu Nahfeen did not mean to hurt anyone – IOTW Report

Dindu Nahfeen did not mean to hurt anyone

terrorist mama paris

The mother of a Paris suicide bomber says her son ‘did not mean to kill anyone’ – and claims he may have blown himself up because of stress.
[Story @ BlurBrain]

17 Comments on Dindu Nahfeen did not mean to hurt anyone

  1. There is SOME credibility in mom’s story.

    Getting blown to pieces sure gets rid of stress…and everything else. Dumb muzzies.

    p.s. MJA: *love* the “Dindu Nahfeen”!

  2. Filthy moslem bitch is probably disappointed her filthy moslem spawn failed to kill anyone but himself.

    Soeaking of filthy, just look at the trash all over the sidewalk in that photo. Savages. Filthy savages.

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