TRUMP ON FIRE! – Knoxville, TN – Nov 16, 2015 – IOTW Report

TRUMP ON FIRE! – Knoxville, TN – Nov 16, 2015

Note: The lady at the beginning is the 92 year old woman who registered to vote for the first time in order to cast her ballot for Trump. Her name is Beada Corum. GOP Presidential candidate and front-runner Donald J. Trump was in Knoxville, TN today and gave a speech to thousands of supporters at the Knoxville Convention Center.

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13 Comments on TRUMP ON FIRE! – Knoxville, TN – Nov 16, 2015

  1. No offense intended. Mrs. Corum is wonderful. She can see that Trump, as president, will keep his promise to protect the American people and defend the sovereignty of the United States.

  2. This is the 3rd speech from Trump that I have watched from start to finish. I have not done that since Regan. Usually 5 min in and it’s “click”.

    Have a cold, can’t sleep, so what the heck, let’s watch a political speech. Man, I would love to see the gang bangers get tossed.

  3. I’ve been watching politicians give speeches since the 60s and no one gives a speech like Trump. That’s not to say RR didn’t get me up off my chair, but this guy is something else.

    He’s so right about how quickly we can turn this nightmare around with the right leadership, we are like an arrow in a fully drawn bow held by arms quivering to release. I can only pray Obama/Jarrett were watching & seething.

    These polls showing Carson close or Rubio closing have to be BS-lets see one of them start doing rallies like this, I guarantee you they would draw flies.

  4. I happened across a couple of speeches by Reagan last week and it brought tears to my eyes, kind of caught me by surprise. I was weeping for the country we have lost, and a president who truly loved America. Trump is different from Reagan, but perhaps we need his brand of straight talk and action right now. He speaks from the heart like Reagan did, and he definitely has the vision thing down. And how about that Mrs. Corum? Sounded just like my aunt’s Sis and Beulah from Sweetwater, TN! Salt of the earth!

  5. I was going to post this to the bp, but I’ll post it here. “Why is Donald Trump so formidable? Perhaps because he owns the downside….”

    Sundance has hit upon something about Trump that no other candidate can do; he doesn’t try to dance away from media’s or his opponents’ efforts to play gotcha.

    (I listen to every new speech. It’s how I relax at the end of a long day. LOL! He’s very uplifting.)

  6. Dave, your comment is touching. I think it speaks for so many of us — especially if you’ve ever served in the military or had family who have or are serving. It’s especially true if you’ve always tried to do the right thing just because it was the right thing — and you believed having integrity and honor is “just something Americans do.”

    Reagan will be remembered for his “bold colors” speech. I think Trump will be remembered for his black and white speeches. He doesn’t leave us in a politician’s favorite limbo with shades of grey.

  7. I laughed when she said (with the exasperated emphasis of all that entails) she’d raised eight kids! Now there’s someone who *has* heard it all! And that’s quite an endorsement.

  8. Wow… 92 years young! And more coherent, more sensible and more erudite than 90% of Congress!

    I bet she can make a helluva cornbread, too!

    Populism is ALIVE and WELL in America!

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