Anonymous Joins Fight Against ISIS – Takes Down 5500 Twitter Accounts They Say Linked To Terrorists – IOTW Report

Anonymous Joins Fight Against ISIS – Takes Down 5500 Twitter Accounts They Say Linked To Terrorists

Ummmmm, question.


Why do we need Anonymous to come to the rescue?

13 Comments on Anonymous Joins Fight Against ISIS – Takes Down 5500 Twitter Accounts They Say Linked To Terrorists

  1. In case you missed it, I posed this question earlier today, but not of Twitter, how about the FBI. They’ve been trying for a couple years now. I heard the number was 550. That was early this morning.

  2. The FBI and other intelligence agencies will be pissed. They just lost all the intel they would glean from internet chatter.

    Now when another Islamic fanatic kills or blows something up, the FBI can’t say the islamic perp was being monitored and was om a watch list, but they didn’t do anything about him.

  3. Cato has it right. We just lost all ability to track and monitor them now. Many probably never knew their cover had been blown and will now join in other names or use other forms of communication. This is a huge plus for ISIS, not us.

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