You Know What Will Straighten Out This Lady’s Neck Roll? – IOTW Report

You Know What Will Straighten Out This Lady’s Neck Roll?

WhenTrump brings high-paying jobs back to America and she’s left out in the cold because she has a degree in Black Poetry.

HT/ 99th Squad Leader

16 Comments on You Know What Will Straighten Out This Lady’s Neck Roll?

  1. Somebody tell her that if you have to explain the joke, it’s not funny.

    And Snappy McWhipwattle was most likely mumble-trolling for a reaction. Or maybe she just ripped a paint-peeling fart.

  2. Did you see his Mizzou thing tonight? He started off saying that he didn’t give a shit if he hurt the students feelings. And it just got better from there! The Q & A was even better!

    (and don’t tell Mr P what he said about Trump, mkay?)

  3. They should just face it, they’ve been reduced to childish, rude, anti-social antics now. So glad it’s on YT and pictures alllllll across the internets for allllll eternity. Their poor judgement on display fo-evah.

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