Meet the Woman Behind the 5 Girls Demanding To Be Boy Scouts – IOTW Report

Meet the Woman Behind the 5 Girls Demanding To Be Boy Scouts


Danelle Jacobs is the SvenGALi that’s commanded 5 girls, all between10 and 13 years-old, to smash the patriarchy!!

Breitbart reports that

The girls say gay marriage, boys being allowed to pee in the girl’s bathroom, and gays in the Boy Scouts all point to changing attitudes and policies leaning their way. Ring-leader Allie Westover, 13, said, “I’d like to see them standing up like they did for the gay scouts and gay leaders.”

I highly doubt this is all coming from these girls. They are part of a troop called The Unicorns, headed by Jacobs.

Shouldn’t the Unicorns be concentrating on doing things better than the Boy Scouts? Why do you want to be in the Boy Scouts? Are the Boy Scouts better?


24 Comments on Meet the Woman Behind the 5 Girls Demanding To Be Boy Scouts

  1. The Scouts used to be a great thing for young boys-I was one and learned a ton of crap including what a wonderful country we have been gifted-we had a ball on camping trips to Minnesota and Wisconsin.

    Then the homos decided to take them out by forcing them to accept fag scoutmasters. No sane parent in their right mind is going to allow their young boys on an overnight with a homo scoutmaster.

    It’s a metaphor for the vile evil that has turned our culture into a sewer to accommodate a tiny fraction of our population. Everywhere you turn some minuscule slice of deviancy has forced their bullshit onto a much larger majority like dicks in girl’s bathrooms. That’s gonna end well, don’t you think?

  2. Want to join the boy scouts because the girls scouts are boring.

    We can
    A) Tell the shot callers at the girl scouts to make stuff more exciting like the boys scouts


    B) Bitch and complain that girls are not allowed in the boy scouts.

    Of course, they’ll choose B, because it’s always easier to sit on your thumbs and cry than it is to find that loop on the back of your pants and pull up on it.

  3. @ Czar, Yep, Charlie Manson crazy eyes.
    Why would any parent allow their girls be used as a political weapon, borders on child abuse?
    Makes you wonder if all the girls have two mothers, no dad.
    I know, times have changed, my BS troop was pretty rough, doubt they would have made it.
    To say nothing of the raging hormones, what leader would want to subject themselves or the troop sponsors to the liability?
    In Scout camp, we would regularly steal a canoe and paddle across the river to visit the GS camp, woe be it to you if you got trapped by the tide.
    I can’t imagine the mischief if you just had to swap a tent.

  4. Why not? They must have some useful features and abilities! Why my goodness the little pink sweeties could load and carry the equipment, pitch the tents, cook the meals, wash the clothes and dishes and provide for other sorts of after hours entertainment!
    Oyezzz! we have a winner!

  5. This indicates a liberal calcification of the outer brain layer.

    Liberalism is a denial of the natural order.
    Boys must be made into non masculine figures
    Girls must participate in male roles even if they are unsuccessful at them (but when they fail you are not allowed to notice).
    Any system that displays the parameters of Natural design (male oriented sports and activities as a possible metaphor for war and hunting) must be destroyed.
    Systems displaying the parameters of Natural design (Female nurturing and motherhood activities) must be squashed as evidence of patriarchy and oppression and victim-hood.
    So, the liberal mindset goes against Nature.
    It is inefficient, and does not support the furtherance of the species.
    Nature will not tolerate this for long.
    When the pendulum of popular sentiment swings back and these ideas are in the dust bin, the millennials and the SJW’s and useless Bints like this lady will adapt to their new role in the world.

    As Chaff

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