Only 10 Senators vote to limit visas from jihad terror-producing countries – IOTW Report

Only 10 Senators vote to limit visas from jihad terror-producing countries

Rand Paul

Jeff Sessions

Mike Lee

David Vitter

John Barrasso

Mike Enzi

Mark Kirk

Jerry Moran

Richard Shelby

Ted Cruz

Story@ RefugeeResettlementWatch:

20 Comments on Only 10 Senators vote to limit visas from jihad terror-producing countries

  1. Jesus, what a worthless fucking party and right after Paris and CA too. What’s it gonna take? I expect this worthless pandering from the REgressives but the Republicans?

    Absolutely pitiful.

  2. Pretty safe to vote like that. Changes nothing, leaves the self destructive policies in place, but can be trumpeted by these guys as “Doing Something!” to the populace.

    Well done gentleman!

    You are everything we have come to expect from those in your positions.

  3. You’re entirely too kind MM.
    If my Sunday school teacher heard what I thought, she would be spinning in her grave.
    What I want to know is, where are that sudden hawk from dove Lindsey Gay and black Republican Tim Scott?
    I’m ashamed of my state, sorry folks.

  4. Are they afraid of Loretta LYNCH? She is aptly named. The dumb shits approved the nazi queen’s appointment.
    Threats of persecution from her are horrid and anti freedom of speech. Thought control is next. Directly because of Obama policies, the CA terrorists were not turned in because the neighbor was afraid of persecution.

  5. The US Senate? That’s THE United States Senate?

    “The two highest achievements of the human mind are the twin concepts of ‘loyalty’ and ‘duty’. Whenever these twin concepts fall into disrepute — get out of there fast! You may possibly save yourself, but it is too late to save that society. It is doomed.”
    Robert A. Heinlein

  6. i just keep seeing our country being handed over to foreigners ..
    at every turn. we are really gonna get it big time .. how much is big time when we have already had the world trade center ??
    i am freaking out ..

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