Obama San Bernardino Address Falls Flat – IOTW Report

Obama San Bernardino Address Falls Flat

Jim Geraghty gives the President’s short and bitter Sunday address to the nation the once over and finds it to be more of the same hooey.  151206204249-president-obama-oval-office-terror-speech-full-00033323-exlarge-169


 As good a job Geraghty does destroying this waste of time, one of the commentors, skatblueeyes accurately sums up the implications of the President’s proposals for making us safer.


12 Comments on Obama San Bernardino Address Falls Flat

  1. Don’t worry, folks.
    This piece of shit will be gone in 13 months.

    He won’t get any gun control through Congress, and the Gov’s of red states have all said they won’t enforce any kind of gun control.


  2. Try this.

    Get out all your liquor. Invite over all your drinkin’ buddies.

    Take a drink whenever 0bama says:

    “Let me be clear…”
    “Win the future…”
    “That’s not who we are…”
    “Make no mistake…”
    “It will not be easy…”

    Please, don’t try this game taking a drink when 0bama says, “me” or “I” or “uhhhhh”. Otherwise you’ll be in rehab or the ER before you know it!!

    Me? I swore off. I cannot even listen to the man any more, and even reading a transcript gives me nausea and a body temp of about 100. 😆

  3. skatblueeyes • 18 hours ago

    So, if Americans would only:
    1) Give up our guns
    2) Give up free speech
    3) Trust Obama
    4) Stop being meanies
    Then Muslims wouldn’t have to kill us!
    Obama has gone from the prophet Muhammad must not be insulted to Muslim terrorists must not be insulted.

    73 △ ▽



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