Regulation Nation – IOTW Report

Regulation Nation

We are less a government of, by and for the people, and more of a dictatorship of the bureaucrat.


We don’t even know how many regulatory agencies there are anymore (some say 60, others claim up to 438).

These regulators have found multiple ways to bypass Congressional oversight and public input by issuing “guidance documents” that act like laws and are left to the agencies to implement under the overly broad legislation that established the agencies in the first place.


6 Comments on Regulation Nation

  1. You don’t like it then damn it, load your long guns and march right on down to DC(District of Corruption) and kill the majority of them scumbag bureaucrats

    PS: Don’t forget the lawyers.

  2. Civil disobedience is the only real option.
    When attacked by a regulatory agency at any level, require them to cite the law that authorizes the SPECIFIC regulation. Actually most reasonable regulations are specifically authorized by law.
    Any regulation that carries a penalty has to be backed up by law that defines the violation and the penalty. Otherwise it is mere criminal extortion.
    There is a local guy here that ran a sausage factory. Made damn good linguica. Anybody who knows sausage knows that many of the best ones are not fully cooked.
    To make a long story short, they came in armed to shut him down for making sausage the way his family had for over 100 years with no problems and he killed 2 of them.
    That has put the brakes on the storm troopers shutting down small businesses here over stupid illegal regulations for many years.

  3. It’s been a long seven year trip down the painful back alley of “fundamental transformation” with the Øbamboozler leading (from behind of course) the ginned-up, dumbed-down, Politically Correct, hashtag opportunistic, disingenuous, hypocritical Left to transmutate this country towards the New Communism of unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, autocratic regulation, deceit, division and disinformation. The Left wants to back-door us into some Marxist “Utopia” with their insane pretzel-logic while telling us everything we need to know (whether we like it or not) firmly rooted in the belief is that none of us on our own is as dumb as all of us combined! Republicans had better wake up and start doing their jobs to clean house before this Manchurian Doorknob starts pulling out all the stops for one last push to destroy this county in 2016!

  4. Congress has abrogated their duties by allowing the regulation nation to metastasize over the last 70 years or so, so they didn’t have to answer to the voters every 2 years about why regulations were choking America to death. It also gives the members the opportunity to assist their constituents through the maze of regulations and regulatory bodies, to which the constituents are eternally grateful. It’s a typical “good cop / bad cop” scam.

    The criminality of the FedGov is enormous and the “capos” are the Congress, the Executive, and the SCROTUS.
    435 Representatives
    100 Senators
    5 Delegates
    1 President
    9 Politically appointed judges

    550 maggots, surrounded by millions of sycophants and cowards, are destroying this nation, as surely as if we were being invaded by mexican hordes and izlamic terrorists.

    Oh … wait … we are being invaded by mexican hordes and izlamic terrorists … all promoted by those same 550 capos.

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