Goodbye Sweden – Pat Condell – IOTW Report

Goodbye Sweden – Pat Condell

Thomas Lifson has just anointed Pat Condell the most eloquent English speaking commentator in the world.

While doing so, he tells Charles Krauthammer to pack his bags and go away for awhile to get his mind right.

In Condell’s latest video rant, he says goodbye to Sweden.


23 Comments on Goodbye Sweden – Pat Condell

  1. It’s beyond insanity. Why haven’t the men in Sweden taken matters into their own hands? An all out assault on Malmo with no prisoners taken, no quarter given is the only thing these fucking moslims understand.

    I’ve thought for years that France was going to be the first European country that would have been Islamized-looks like I was wrong.

    Kinda horrible when your own GD government is destroying your country’s culture, traditions and values…hey wait a sec…

  2. I suspect they are near the tipping point. We’ll know when that is reached when the Swedes start setting fire to refugee shelters when the refugees are inside, rather than preemptively. People can only take so much. Their politicos should be very frightened.

  3. Opening your door to pestilence, whether it be fire ants, termites, bedbugs or Muslims, will only lead to eventual ruin.

    Apart from the oil-rich Gulf States, every Muslim nation is a backward, decayed, insular sh!thole. Sweden will look like that in a few decades.

    Borders between nations exist for a reason, because every nation that did not have one has ceased to exist.

  4. Wow, I found out first hand with my wife’s family yesterday just how willfully ignorant people, some who you would think would know better, are about Islam/the Koran/Muslim beliefs.

    Have these people been living under a rock the last 20 years?

    It’s damned dangerous, this rampant idiocy in our country, and my in laws even call themselves republicans.

    First they start off calling Trump a Nazi because he wants to “round up all the Muslims” (thanks, MSM), and they follow up by suggesting that it’s “unconstitutional” to bar people from immigrating here, and suggest that the Bible has “more crazy shit” than the Koran does.

    I was restrained, but direct. I told them that I wasn’t even going to take their bait until they did more research of their own, since it pained me to see family staking out such ill-informed positions and arguments. And today I copied them not only on Cadell’s video linked here, But also some others that BFH has posted in the past.

    We’ll see if I make any headway, but we really have our work cut out for us, folks.

    Do this for yourself and your family and community. Talk to people about Islam.

    Let’s stem the tide right here, and right now. We have to learn from other’s mistakes.

  5. I was in SA recently. The local Blacks are killing the Somolian and Nigerian immigrants, who apparently, are willing go work for a living.

    White farmers are being murdered daily by blacks but you’ll never read about it in the papers. I am surprised these folks lasted 6 months. All the white folks i met see no future for their families. I think there is more to the story if they are from SA.

  6. Handled beautifully.
    That’s round 1.
    When you see them again, and their positions haven’t changed, you can truthfully say to them that you’re disappointed in their intellectual laziness, because if their position has not moved it is proof that they didn’t research, as you suggested, or they are FUCKING MORONS!!!

  7. I did say, what part of 9/11, Fort Hood, San Bernardo, Paris, or of clitorectomies, honor killings, beheadings, stoning, defestrating homosexuals, or sodomizing nine year olds tells you that they’re “just like us”?

    They went a little quiet after that. It was then that I told to study up since you can’t be an excellent American if you’re an uninformed American.

    As you suggest, we’ll see if there’s any follow through on their part.

    Ps. Merry Christmas, BFH.

  8. I will miss the Tenttipi and the authentic original Silva compasses that are only made in Sweden. (and not sold officially in the USA)

    But why did AT select a 5 year old Pat Condell video?
    There are newer ones on the same topic.

    How about a Nov 4 , 2015 video –
    The Rape of Sweden .

    Or a video from Dec 14, 2015. Hey, Trump’s rise is a reaction based on the others failing to tell the truth.
    “We Want the Truth” .

  9. You are doing the right thing. Patience and persisitence will provide benefits. It is like farming- when you plant the seeds you have to keep watering and nurturing the seeds to grow. Like BFH alludes to, some people you have to break apart with a sledgehammer to provide a place for the seed to go.

  10. Oddly, it seems that the most vocal proponents for these dogs are the female politicians in these countries. They apparently need to be dominated by these bloodsucking dogs. Very sick.

    Keep encouraging your friends and family to buy guns. Get shotguns and pistols. They are affordable and everyone can use them.

  11. Scandinavians are suicidal, canary’s in the Euro mine shaft, when they go the whole effin continent will go moslem, very sad, I’m half Norwegian and very ashamed at my ancient homeland. The males are pathetic in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland.

  12. Thanks. That was wonderful. Pure stupidity rewarded with threats upon their life. Will such stupidity be equally rewarded here? Already has but the progtard fucks still can’t learn a very simple lesson.

  13. That’s right folks, even among us on the right there are millions of intellectual lazy d-bags that vote and vote they do. More often than not they offset our up to date prowess on the issues particularly when it counts, in the primaries which prime reason Mitch McConnel, McShitstain and the like are still with us.

  14. It’s a race to get the guns away from an armed people before they all awake.
    Went to the gun shop today, CCL classes are more than a month out now. Guns and ammo are going out as fast as they come in.
    Encourage everyone you care about to learn gun safety and saddle up.

  15. Brad, as long as there is hope all is not lost. Even if the Zombie Apocalypse is coming, that too is a time to be celebrated for it will allow a culling of the dregs and leeches on society. Those that are aware and prepared will thrive, those that aren’t won’t.

  16. Anyone that argues Trump is a Nazi, what he is proposing is unConstitutional and the Bible has more crazy shit in it then the koran is hopeless.

    There is absolutely no point in continuing the discussion. Those are talking points from the left dominated media and the fact they’re using them should tell you all you need to know.

    I know because my whack-o sister and her creepy retired academia husband use the same terminology. And I have been sending her conservative POVs for 20 years to no avail.

    These people are characters straight out of The NYT central casting. You’ll have better luck talking with a screwdriver.

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