“We Gotta Do Something” California Gun Grabby Law Due To Start January 1st – IOTW Report

“We Gotta Do Something” California Gun Grabby Law Due To Start January 1st

California’s most abundant natural resource is the celebrity that just wants their sad face to go away. A crisis is making them frown and this means something must be done.

They’ll make a youtube video showing them holding up index cards so we can, strangely, read their sadness. One would assume there was no sound available, until you hear a one-name singer warbling out pure crap in their most earnest concern-voice.

Sometimes they’ll take a manifesto and split it up so that each dunderhead gets a chance to mouth one word, creating one giant ball of collective angst. This is activism in 2015. This device was just employed on a “We Can End Gun Violence” video. Sunny just skewered it.

Usually what follows such monumental leftist pageantry is a new law, which is, obviously, the only way to turn such a massive sad face upside down.

Enter AB-1014.

This is a California bill that was proposed after Elliot Rodger killed 6 people in May of 2014 just outside of the University of California, Santa Barbara, campus. “Something had to be done.”

What’s the something?

The Washington Times explains –

the bill provides family members with a means of having an emergency “gun violence restraining order” imposed against a loved one if they can convince a judge that allowing that person to possess a firearm “poses an immediate and present danger of causing personal injury to himself, herself or another by having in his or her custody or control.”

Well played, government. The weepy-faced celebs have run cover for you and allowed you to write a law that gives families the power to strip someone of their rights, all because “a gun” is involved.

Prior to this law, had a family member called the police and said they felt Elliot Rodger was a danger, but had no gun, would the police enlist the SWAT team to spring into action and bring him in for a 21 day evaluation? Nope. Meanwhile, Rodger killed three of his victims WITH HIS CAR.

This law solves nothing. It’s simply anti-gun. It’s not a measure born out of a concern for the safety of citizens, otherwise you’d be able to call the police because you think Uncle Leo is a threat and Uncle Leo has a car, a bat, a hammer, poison, gasoline, a lighter, etc. etc.

We can spend a day detailing the rest of the idiocy of this law, how it can be abused by vindictive people with an agenda, by spouses looking to get the upper hand on a divorce, by libtarded brothers looking to damage their conservative blogger brother (was that too specific?), but we don’t need to. It’s a law created in California. Chances are it’s idiotic. Let’s see if California’s twinsy, New York, follows suit.






22 Comments on “We Gotta Do Something” California Gun Grabby Law Due To Start January 1st

  1. So…. where is Massachusetts’ Pressure Cooker Law?

    Maybe we can limit pressure cooker working pressures to 8 PSI, or less. And limit them to 1 quart maximum capacity.

  2. “Only professional chefs and restaurants should be allowed to own pressure cookers, especially high-capacity ones of a gallon or more, working at 15-psi.”

    “Nobody needs a pressure cooker to cook. It only lets you speed up cooking, but it doesn’t improve the quality of food in any way!”

  3. I predicted a long, long time ago that California will be the front lines in the next American Revolution.

    There’s many, many conservatives that live here and we’ll soon see how many “free state III%’ers” will come to our defense when the poop hits the turbine.

    Texas, Idaho, Wyoming, and Arizona…..are you listening?

  4. Sometimes I think they make this crap up just so you turn a blind eye to the ineptitude dealings with their number one threat that faces the world – The climate. Apparently not enough people were wiped off the map due to a recent weather event – Idle hands. Crank up your backyard tire fires and offend liberals in every hypocritical manner, drag them in like moths to a flame.

  5. Wait one minute there, he killed 3 of them with his car ?? But I thought you were required to license and register your car with the government. And also pass a government test to prove you know how to handle a car safely. And yet none of this government control stopped him from using it as a weapon? Of course the answer is more government because anything government controls is flawless and perfect. 😉

  6. A gun violence restraining order can be taken out without the subject of the order knowing until the police show up to take away the firearms. It prevents the same person from buying, borrowing or otherwise getting his or her hands on another gun for the 21 days the order is enforced.

    Worse, they can take out another 21 day order and if the judge can be convinced, an order can be extended to a year and another year after that.

    The person subject to the order can’t have a hand on another gun until it is finally lifted.

    The person subject to the order basically has no chance to confront the court or the individuals who are taking away his or her 2nd amendment rights, for up to two years, because there is no summons or provision within the law informing the gun owner that he or she is about to have his or her gun rights taken away and to show up in court to defend those rights.

    I’m sure some liberal judge will find the annual order to cumbersome and put a restraining order on for a person’s natural life and kiss the 2nd Amendment goodbye.

  7. I looked at the law Jethro, I don’t think they addressed that issue.

    I’m sure some lib genius in CA will write an addendum to this one that will make it next to impossible to get them back once you leave state.

  8. Those blithering fools are rapidly overstepping the boundaries of what we the people gave them permission to do our our behalf. Now when they blatantly disregard that permission and do what their pointy little heads dictate the time is near to kick some political butt!

  9. Being some type of knee jerk reaction of course it was written hastily, poorly and without forethought. Especially the removal of the order. That shit will stick to someone forever, with everything from problems with employers(your records shows a hit) to screwing with your credit rating.

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