Yes, You Are Seeing What You Think You Are Seeing – IOTW Report

Yes, You Are Seeing What You Think You Are Seeing

I have nothing to say.

ht/ rob e.

45 Comments on Yes, You Are Seeing What You Think You Are Seeing

  1. No wonder they don’t like pork. The pigs won’t associate with them. That’s freaken disgusting. And how did that little fucker get so fat living in a tent on the desert?

  2. I can’t imagine why so many westerners think of moslem culture as being backward and its practitioners as filthy slugs that are simply beyond becoming part of a civilized society.

  3. And you probably thought that institutional rape, mass murder, goat fucking, and pedophilia were the extent of the disgusting things muslims engage in.

    Tip of the frozen-camel-urine-iceberg.

  4. From the article you linked Eugenia:

    “Among the uses of camel’s urine, many women use it to wash their hair, to make it longer, and to make it lighter and more lustrous.”

    Maybe the head coverings are so you can’t smell the camel piss as easily.

  5. I’m with you Golden. I’ve been pissed on, crapped on, stepped on, bit, kicked, but never were any of those being an intentional act… at least on my part.;) Just a matter of working with livestock.

    Cheers (with a Cabernet Sauvignon in hand)!

  6. Three possibilities in the mind of the elites

    1. Muslims (and others like them) are brought in to outvote and otherwise swamp and overpower people like us while remaining beholden to the Left. The Left wins.

    2. They try and fail. The Left rolls in with whatever type of crushing force (see Williams, Montel) is required to defend the invaders from us. The Left wins.

    3. The invaders succeed but without remaining beholden to the Left. See #2.

    Option 4 is always in the back of a leftist’s mind: if overpowered and put to the sword, convert…at least Muslims are not preaching Christ as Lord and Savior. Only a mere man. And that’s not out of line with what they already do.

  7. Such dirty, disgusting animals.
    Catholic Charities of Maine has brought thousands of “refugees” here and put them on welfare and in housing. (Before Gov. LePage got the rules changed). Avesta has been allowed to build dozens of new apt. buildings for them.
    Every time I look at them I cringe at the thought of how dirty they probably are inside.

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