Tour the Refuge Property Taken Over By Militia – IOTW Report

Tour the Refuge Property Taken Over By Militia

They are looking for a few good men. And women, I suppose.

Take a look at the accommodations.

9 Comments on Tour the Refuge Property Taken Over By Militia

  1. This is a really effective way to bring attention to federal overeach. I bet the goobermint was hoping this would be swept under the rug. How long until someone pulls a Jason Mattera and goes knocking on that bastard judge’s door for comment? Not too shabby hotel accomodations.

  2. Militia?
    Looks like regular citizens informed of the government over-reach and actions and they’re fed up with government intimidation and bullying.
    At what point in the midst of government tyranny does one choose to stand? When they’re at your neighbor’s door or your own?

  3. There’s not enough military people who are willing to come into our homes and get our guns. I’ve got a couple of liberal acquaintances (I refuse to call them friends), who own guns and they say “Obama ain’t getting them.”

    I’m all for these people standing up for their rights. I hope this gets the attention of every one in this country. Where’s Trump?

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