Food is free if you steal it. It’s not free if you’re growing it. You “spent” time, effort, and resources, however minimal. But I’d say owning or leasing the land is quite an expense.
(If you want to be technical, there are operating costs associated with theft, as well.)
bnr55, of Reddit, titled this picture “Hippie Accidentally Invents Capitalism.”
Now all they would have to do is find a way to trade with people in a communities that are far, far away so their carrots could be traded for crops they can’t grow, like rice.
How in the world would they do that? They would have to come up with some sort of system where people can trade something relatively small, but valuable, that represents the worth of their carrots without actually hauling around their carrots.
Impossible, I say.
Progressives have the minds of children.
It’s not enough that I have to condone homos, onerous gun laws and ObamaCare but they’re coming for my lawn now????
Sweet Meteor Of Death, end this madness.
Gee Wally, looks like they discovered whut Hippies found out 60 years ago didn’t work. And if going back 60 years isn’t good enough…
Thessalonians 3:10
For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.
Unless they’ve found some magic beans, sumbody’s gotta do the heavy lifting to make things happen, and when they do there’s always a bunch of dumbed-down, dope-smoking, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, kumbaya-singing, Rainbow Plantation, COEXIST bumper-sticker Progressive Freeloaders that crawl outta the woodwork to take advantage of it.
This is what happens when business schools do not teach basic economics. They teach that only non-profits are ethical, and that profits are greedy, and profiteers are blood-suckers.
If profits are so fucking greedy, then why do they keeping wooing the ‘big donors’ to fund their next big useless stadium?
See how that worked out at Plymouth.
reminds me of the one “Raising Hope” episode where they invented their own barter system, then created their own currency and then discovered the horrors of inflation.
Er, by historical standards we DO eat “practically free”. The overhead for food production is so low in fact that we don’ have to “each grow a large crop”, only a very few of us do. The rest of us simply “trade” for food using a fungible exchange media called “money”. Check it out.
don’t anyone tell them that sign expresses capitalism and free trade in its purest form.
this is how great their critical thinking skills are.
useful idiots in reality.
Fucking brilliant !!
Why has no one ever thought of this before?
Sheesh. Ya gotta wonder.
A couple weeks ago I hear this caller to our local AM radio show ranting about the earth dying, and how EVERYONE could live more simply and grow food no matter where they live, and just imagine !!!!!!!!! how much better off the earth would be if we each had a bit of garden, blabbity.
I thought about my backyard garden (50×40) and how much work it takes every year. Not just physical work, but getting the soil right, knowing which plants grow well together, bugs, hail, too much heat, too much rain, plant disease, not enough sunlight, more bugs, deer, rabbits, moles, ground hogs. So, NOT the lovely picture of tossing a handful of seeds out of your window, and three months later a beautiful and bountiful harvest awaits.
But these hippies have this weird idea that paradise is achievable via a garden and solar panels.
How does the local gov’t extract their sales tax from this scheme?
Is the FedGov unable to benefit from the “Income tax” that should accrue?
I’ve seen how those hippie communes in the 60’s wound up. Most of the occupants are now either retired or still working for corporate America or are dead. I can’t grow anything because the deer has it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. There’s plenty of Asian farmers here, I buy from them, they’re happy when they see people coming to them to buy their crops. Saves my back and water resources.
Fungible. Heh. I like that word.
Hey free food said the grasshopper to the ants!
You’ve missed the DUH answer.
Everything is free now. Even the Government!
Aww. You’re just not harvesting the meat part of your garden plot.