Man Faces Serious Jail Time in Muslim Country After He Made Remark on Facebook About Local Food – IOTW Report

Man Faces Serious Jail Time in Muslim Country After He Made Remark on Facebook About Local Food

He called a traditional Kyrgyzstan sausage, made from horse meat, a horse penis.

Now he faces jail time.

I would like to take the opportunity to sincerely appologise for the comment I made on here about the kygyz people and horses penis.
01_03153844_e12f4_2625148alI truly never meantto offened anyone and im truly sorry as it was never my intension. I would also like to say the people in the picture had absolutely nothing to do with it. again im very very sorry.
(If he goes to jail for this, I highly recommend he spend the time brushing up on… oh, never mind, this poor guy’s in trouble.)


14 Comments on Man Faces Serious Jail Time in Muslim Country After He Made Remark on Facebook About Local Food

  1. He should have explained to them that, where he comes from, comparing one’s food to a horse penis is a great compliment, and that it implies that the dish imparts great stamina and virility to the consumer.

    Hey – when there’s nothing more to lose, it’s worth a shot…


  2. oh, that would never happen here!

    on 12/4/15 – “Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Thursday she stands with the Muslim community.
    Lynch warned that the Justice Department could take aggressive action against people whose anti-Muslim rhetoric “edges towards violence.”
    Speaking at Muslim Advocate’s 10th anniversary dinner, Lynch said since the terrorist attacks in Paris last month, she is increasingly concerned with the “incredibly disturbing rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric … that fear is my greatest fear.”

  3. did he have to go to Fook-nut-istan ??
    having global this & global that .. we are about to have the first truly “global war ..” and my friends , thanks to the last three administrations, we do not possess the
    weapons with which to defend ourselves. the russian ms 400 anti aircraft missile system can grease a soccer ball traveling at supersonic speeds .. and they have all these nice atomic ballistic missiles that can hit our cities & we don’t have the counter punch.

  4. Mark Steyn (signing off on EIB Christmas Eve afternoon) – “…and I’ll be right here face down in camel urine.”

    Give that man a cigar.

    And, damn yes, that could be a cross-section of a horse penis. Fucking gross.

  5. I’ve never understood this. Why do people from the West insist on visiting authoritarian shitholes and then refuse to understand what makes those countries authoritarian shitholes and then go off and run their fucking mouths saying whatever crosses their stupid little minds or get involved in drug transactions as if they were in their little EU cradle where packing a kilo of weed wouldn’t even get you a cop’s attention.

    Wake the fuck up you morons… These countries are shitholes precisely because they put you in jail for making fun of their shitty horse cock sausage. Don’t visit places like this unless you’re not a fucking moron.

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