Israeli scientists are excited that they’ve created a robot as small as a locust and able to jump like one as well.
Next their working on giving the thing the ability to glide in order to extend its jumping range and ability to steer itself, mid-air.
Relatively cheap and easy to make, the scientist speculate that the robot locust of the future could be deployed with the capability to swarm.
Are those mini mini guns sticking out from it?
Locusts have been used for various purposes in that region…
“In seven years…I’ll be back!”
The Muzzie’s got a jump on ’em for once. They got millions of their man-sized locusts invading the West even as we speak!
We’ve got enough real bugs, thank you. How about a robot President that has a copy of the Constitution it refers to before it makes decisions. That would be useful.
If they learn to reproduce, we’re doomed.
I was thinking, just the other day, that what the world needed, now, more than ever, was a robot locust!
There ain’t enough shit out there tormenting humanity – what with Satan, Soros, the UN, the Globaloney Warming Scam, Obola, disease, poverty, HR Clinton, totalitarianism, socialism, lies, deceit, war, famine, pestilence, and death!
Why? Are the real Locusts broken?
No, but real locusts don’t obey orders.
I can see this technology extending my basketball career.