The Democrat presidential candidates sat down with minority media personalities (Ramos, Hughes, Browne, Melendez) Monday night for the Iowa Black and Brown Forum to hash out which can suck up best to the race hustlers.
You’d think they would have wanted some actual minority candidates like Carson, Cruz and Rubio at their forum. But, no. They went with two old white people instead.
Watch Hillary try to down play her “white privilege” Here
We go there to put our white on.
I guess I missed the White&Yellow Forum. Oh, that WOULDN’T be OK?
The way things are going I see more black and blue meetings in the future.
Brown & Black forum?
WTF is this, a return to separate but equal?
I remember some guy one time saying he wanted to be judged by the content of his character. Whoo boy what a dumbass he was.
So there were only 3 CRACKERS in the box?
On a completely unrelated note, crime rates soared in Des Moines last night
Democrats have always pandered to blacks. And where has it got them?
Blacks are as stupid and poor as they always have been.
( no pander here)
For some reason I imagine something like this took place.
I know, I know, the fcuking period. I say it nearly every damn time I link a utube.
oh yeah….once again the racist democRATS dis the RED, Native American people…
…let the self-flagellating begin
Who’s the iridescents candidate?
You gots to go brown and black cuse in you cans never goes full Negroes
Brown and black forum?
I just don’t see the blacks or the browns getting all that excited about hillary or bernie. Yeah, lots are going to shuffle on into the polls and pull the lever for “D” just like their momma done taught ’em so they keep gettin their meal ticket. No doubt. The “D” vote fraud machine will be running on that day, to be sure.
I DO see a lot of black and brown folks getting excited about Trump though…. Maybe just enough of them to make a difference. Like maybe … 25%. Of each.