Sickly Bill ? – IOTW Report

Sickly Bill ?

bill clinton golfs with obama sickly

Sickly Bill Clinton Stirs Parkinson Rumors Following Campaign Trail Appearance.

D.C. Whispers was among the first political blogs to suggest something was amiss with former President Bill Clinton in a story titled, Bill & Hillary Clinton Fear The End – Go Into Survival Mode in which Mr. Clinton was described at a recent political rally of being devoid of energy and even confused at times.

Today, the AmericanMirror has issued a similar report detailing yet another appearance by the former president that has people wondering if Bill Clinton is currently fighting serious health challenges.
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SNIP: I’m thinking he’d more likely have an STD.

32 Comments on Sickly Bill ?

  1. AIDS, Syphillis, Ghonorea, Hepatitis… Ill take any one that hastens his death.

    So now we are being offered Grandma and Grandpa Clinton, a confused and concussed, stroked out old dishrag and a slowly rotting diseased old child sex deviant with an STD and more. Niceee….. they will stoop to any desperate ploy to gain victim status. Now its “vote for us old decrepit sick people. Its time to put a terminally ill person in the Oval Office !!!”

    Ron Brown ???? is there a Mr. Ron Brown in the house ????

  2. Widow and widower meet daily on a bench at the old folks home.
    One day the old guy asks the widow if she would hold his frank. At first she resists but he convinces her that it would remind him of better days. From that day on while sitting on their daily visit he would pull frank out and she would hold it.

    One day the unthinkable happened Frank and his frank didn’t show up at the bench. The widow, sure he had died, checked his room and then started looking through the rest of the facility.

    Her friend was finally located next to the pool beside an other widow lady, frank out and at full attention. She exclaimed “You bastard, what does she have that I don’t have?”.

    My calm reply? “Parkinson’s”

  3. Widow and widower meet daily on a bench in the yard of an old folks home. After a few weeks the old boy asks the widow if she would hold his frank while they sit there, originally resisting the old gal gives in because the old boy gets enjoyment but nothing happens to his frank if you get my drift.

    This goes on for month and then one day tragedy strikes. Frank doesn’t show up for their daily meeting. Sure that he is dead the widow searches his room and then the building to no avail. Finally she searches the grounds and finds Frank out by the pool with another widow holding his frank at full attention.

    Broken hearted she yells at him. “What does she have that I don’t have”? My calm reply? “Parkinson’s”

  4. They’ll stick his ass in a wheelchair around October so he can garner the “awwww” vote for Hillary.

    And he’ll garner 100 percent of the “stupid” vote.

  5. Not when you have indictments hanging over your head, I bet both of them are up to their eyeballs in influence peddling that can be proven.

    What better way to quash an investigation than own, like BHO does, the DOJ? The shameless (D) will never abandon them if she wins the Presidency (which IMHO, will never happen). The (D) don’t give a shit about ethics, and the (Re) are too timid to broach the subject.

  6. Not buying it. EVERYTHING the Clintons say and do is orchestrated. They’re laying the groundwork for sympathy and the ‘not able to defend themselves’ angle when both are indicted. Hillary is going to have grave medical problems after doing poorly in Iowa.

  7. Eleanor’s Uncle Theodore was once asked by a newspaper reporter if he’d rather have Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s?
    He replied, “Parkinson’s.”
    “Why?” asked the reporter.
    “Because I’d rather spill a little whiskey than misplace the whole damn bottle.”


  8. They MUST get into the White House. Otherwise, all those hundreds of millions “invested” in the Clinton Crime Family® by untold foreign leaders and other assorted criminal enterprises will either ask for a refund or start spilling the beans. Or both.

    The, we’ll see which one will turn Government Witness, first.

  9. My father died of complications related to Alzheimer’s 2 years ago. It was a slow agonizing 8 years and I was able to spend much time with him.

    So I do not post to offend or minimize the illness.

    But I am also able to understand the role humor plays in life, and I can look back on my dads struggles and laugh about many things he did. He became very childlike and spontaneous in his humor.

    Sorry about your friend.

  10. Bill’s appearance and confusion looks like what I’ve observed in advanced alcoholics. His shakes look like DTs.

    STDs, Parkinson’s, etc. might be side issues but I’m thinking the main cause is booze.

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