Oscars Caves Immediately – IOTW Report

Oscars Caves Immediately

Oscar overhaul: The Academy announces mass overhauls to membership and voting rules to promote diversity

  • The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is facing a boycott 
  • Actors Will and Jada Pinkett Smith criticized the lack of Oscar diversity
  • Announced they would not be attending the ceremony in February 
  • Best Supporting Actor nominee Mark Ruffalo has signaled his support
  • Best Actress nominee Charlotte Rampling also waded into the debate
  • She said ‘Maybe black actors don’t deserve to be on the final stretch?’
  • Growing anger around the issue ahead of the February 28 ceremony
  • Sir Michael Caine, Reese Witherspoon and William H Macy also spoke ou

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44 Comments on Oscars Caves Immediately

  1. I demand they rename ‘Oscar’ …. something more appropriate
    …like … ‘Leroy’, or ‘Qwami’, or ‘Shamalama Ding Dong’ ……
    I got it! … the ‘Travon’!

  2. no one has watched this crap since Johnny Carson quit hosting ….they put the minorities in charge & it will drive their ratings over a cliff

    they’ve been shooting their support for years, this will just put their product further in the grave …..
    as Grandma used to say, good riddance to bad rubbish

  3. I guess it never crossed their minds that there aren’t any black actors/actresses that qualified this year?
    Oh wait…the wife thinks the hubby is the best and got ‘overlooked’.
    No. Not overlooked. He actually stunk up the film.
    Butt like my Mom used to say… The baby that cries is the one that gets fed.
    And theys getting fed. Again and again…

  4. this is a complete lmao moment imho

    it is beautiful irony that the most liberal of exclusive clubs is being smacked around by diversity crap

    yes, by all means, please impose an eeo quota system, such as there is with government jobs, and let’s watch the final demise of this useless group of egotistical, talentless narcissists

    pass the popcorn

  5. “Annie Hall” won an oscar. This is while that pervert Woody (how appropriate) Allen was probably abusing his kids.
    My wife made me watch it. If that waste of film won an award it’s obvious to me that whole “academy” is a farce, even back then.
    Flush it.

    Woody Allen is to film as Picasso was to canvas – complete nonsense

  6. Last year when 12 years a slave swept the Oscars lots of the voting academy admitted that they never saw the film, they just voted to essentially reward the film because it was “culturally relevant” Same with that disgusting film Precious.

    Oscars stopped being relevant when the Golden Age of Hollywood died–some of its top talent never won an Academy Award, but when they did, boy did they ever deserve it.

    Hattie McDonald must be rolling over in her grave.

    The Smiths will be even more intolerable after this.

  7. I say give everyone a “Participation Award” and $5000.00 for participating. Don’t mean shit to me. The last time i spent a buck to see a movie was “Saving Private Ryan.” I know, I told y’all that before.

  8. I still like to see the fashions at the award shows. So,the next day after the Oscars/Emmys/Tonys/Grammys I go to the Daily Mail online and look at the red carpet photos there. They also include a list of the night’s winners. Good enuff.

  9. I plan on boycotting the Academy Awards show as well. Just like last year, and the year before that, and the year before that, etc.

    Yes, it is a cultural event, but one I can’t get into. Maybe the fact that I don’t see most of the films nominated, so I would end up watching people whom I have never seen perform in roles I don’t know about in films I didn’t see accept some award while congratulating people I have never heard of has something to do with this.

    Spike Lee and I do have something in common, though – I would rather watch a Knicks game even though the Knicks kind of suck.

  10. “The nominees are…

    Whoopi Goldberg for ‘I’m Black But I Changed My Last Name To Sound Like I Was Jewish Because I Am Ashamed Of My Black Heritage’

    Jada Pinkett Smith for ‘My Last Name Couldn’t Be Any Whiter’

    Will Smith for ‘I Am The Same In Every Movie Because I Like Playing A White Guy’

    Samuel L. Jackson for ‘I Am The Most Ungrateful Black Actor Working Today Despite White People Helping Me Live A Life Of Luxury’

    And Don Cheadle for ‘It’s Not Because I’m Black That I’ll Never Win An Oscar But It’s Because I Suck But Thanks For The 2004 Oscar Nomination Anyway That Most White People Would Die For So I Should Stop Bitching’

    And the winner is…ALL OF YOU!”

  11. I had no idea Charlotte Rampling was still acting. I seem to most recall her playing Lord Nelson’s mistress in a movie watching several times on submarine patrol 40 years ago. I think she is correct and CC a nit wit.

  12. Man, that didn’t take long. It’s hard not to believe someone in the front office didn’t accidently swap the dates the activists were to show up and the Academy was supposed to release a response. Grass roots outrage isn’t what it used to be.

  13. They’re going to force you to vote for some actor that sucks because he or she has a certain skin color? Why not, that’s how 0bama got elected. No other qualification.

    Some people have the privilege of special skin color that helps them get what they want when they bitch and stomp their feet and whine about not being picked first and given an award for being so damn special and better than the other colors they don’t like.
    Just not given enough credit for all that fine work because everybody with some other skin color is racist. Not them, though. Even though they are the ones pointing the fingers at skin color.

    You can’t force somebody to like you. You have to earn that.

  14. Jamie Foxx won best actor award in 2005 for his portrayal of Ray Charles in the movie “Ray”. He would have gotten my vote too. That was some of the best acting I’ve ever seen in a movie, and I don’t even like Jamie Foxx. Point is, Foxx worked hard and earned the award. He DESERVED IT. These other assholes DON’T deserve it or they would have won it. That’s how it’s supposed to work. You suck = no award. Idiots.

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