Hope and Cagney – IOTW Report

Hope and Cagney

Bob Hope is not necessarily known for his dancing skills, and Cagney’s ability to hoof will surprise some people as well.

One can’t imagine a big star today, like Leonardo DiCaprio, suddenly bursting into a dance routine and dropping jaws.

BUT, to be fair, here’s Christian (Batman) Bale dancing.

ht/ Frederick William Dame


23 Comments on Hope and Cagney

  1. …back in the days when stars had real talent, skills & intelligence…

    ole’ Leslie was quite a hoofer back in his day…. started out that way, if memory serves….

  2. Both Hope and Cagney started and spent time in vaudeville. Vaudevillian performers were usually required to do a lot of things – dance, sing, and be funny. In short, they learned to entertain live audiences and developed a wide repertoire of skills.

    For a long time, Palm Springs had an annual revue that showcased some of those older performers, although there are less and less of them each year, and the dance skills diminish with each hip replacement. But these folks still knew how to entertain.

  3. A long, long time ago, when I was a kid, I was lucky enough to see Bob Hope two years in a row at our state fair.

    One of the times it was an incredibly hot day and absolutely dead, stifling air. No wind at all. When he came out to start his routine, the applause was so long and strong that it felt like someone switched on a fan. It lasted for minutes.

    I remember turning and searching for the source of the breeze, thinking it was a fan. Then it hit me. It was a breeze caused by applause.

    People born after 1980 have no understanding what he meant to our country and how much the USA loved him. It truly is our loss.

  4. Bob Hope WAS America. He was everything America represented.

    There’ll never be another Bob Hope, but if the love of the American military could have sustained him, he would have lived forever.

    RIP, Bob. You earned it.

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