IOTW Report

Republican candidates

6 Comments on

  1. Around our house we’d consider that a pretty low bar.

    “Hey, honey, how was your day today?”

    “Great! I stayed out of jail again and no one from the FBI is investigating me, either! Pretty good, huh?”

    Nope. But the FEC may be investigating Sen. Cruz for forgetting to list his campaign loans from Sachs and Citi. And what I want to know is how he used his and Heidi’s retirement funds as collateral for those loans when he told others that he liquidated those accounts for his earlier senate campaign. Can someone here walk me through that?

  2. Well it’s pretty simple, you get a loan and you pay it back unless you’re are Donald Trump… Then you get millions of dollars in loans, spend the money, file for bankruptcy and you don’t pay them pack. What you’ve never had a loan before?

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