Arizona NAACP President Resigns After Uttering 2 Words – IOTW Report

Arizona NAACP President Resigns After Uttering 2 Words

The NAACP president in Arizona (who is white??), Don Harris, made a remark about the reporter below to another reporter.

After his 2 word remark he was forced into resignation.


Care to take a guess as to what the remark was?

He said, “nice tits.”

In his interview he said he thought he was making the remark to the other reporter “guy to guy.”

But, after watching the interview with the reporter, Dan Harris may have made a terrible mistake in assuming that this reporter is the type of guy that would care about nice tits.

The Washington Times has the story.

Video of the reporter who busted Harris below.

Ladies, do you demand guys stop remarking, guy to guy, about your nice body parts? If I found out, after talking to two women, that a lewd, but complimentary, remark was made about me, it would make my day… week.  Month.

HT/ Mel


39 Comments on Arizona NAACP President Resigns After Uttering 2 Words

  1. This really galls me. I am certainly never going to hear those two words said about me, a double mastectomee.

    My question: was the female reporter offended? Because if she wasn’t, then who cares?

    Was the other male reporter ghey?

  2. I just wonder… what are women going to do when men STOP joking around with us? When they treat us as social pariahs in the work place or in various social situations? I love men, and dig their humor and have never felt like I was being taken advantage of or verbally assaulted. Even if there was joke taken too far, I never whined, I just used my smarts to parry back.

    A co-worker of mine once licked a dollar bill and stuck it to his forehead and told me go ahead take it, in front of everyone at this party. I laughed so hard at that.

    I knew it was retaliation for the catalogue of various products men use to disguise their bald head, that I left on the seat of his chair at the office.

    All good fun. Honestly, I think his joke was better. 🙂

  3. We used to have a sign hanging in the shop that read “Sexual Harassment Will Not Be Tolerated. However It will Be Judged”. Our hot little secretary hung it up. It got a lot of laughs from visiting customer management types. So we kept it up.

  4. It was spoken by the local head of the NAACP, a SJW.
    So ANYTHING he says that’s not PC is “wrong”.
    I LOVE it when the Left eat their own
    (NAACP SJW -vs- MSM SJW)

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