Doing the Lord’s Work – IOTW Report

Doing the Lord’s Work

Pastor Jerome Smith is doing for his flock what generations of Democrat city government couldn’t, nearly doubling their income.


Pastor Jerome’s church, Great Praise Church of God in Christ has started a job preparedness and shuttle service that takes underemployed inner city residents of Milwaukee and transports them out to Sheboygan county manufactures who are in need of new workers.

 And nary a government grant, subsidy or agency is involved.


 If idle hands are the devils workshop, then gainfully employed hands must be the highest praise to God.



15 Comments on Doing the Lord’s Work

  1. Agree LBS. I also wonder when some gov entity will step in and find the good pastor derelict in some gov regulation regarding the training and/or transportation aspect. We know some hood will try to grab the van at some point. Or, some gov hood will force the church to pay “tribute” to the hood for protection.

    Pray God keeps the good keep happening.

  2. Most impressive: the people who get with this program stick with it; also that $19/hour wage. Milwaukee has a very moderate cost of living and a person at that salary can have a real life, as opposed to the pinch penny misery that wage would buy in New York.

  3. Good! There is a link to the church web site in the article so I looked. The Pastor’s personal story is inspiring. The statement of faith and articles of belief mirror those at my church. This is not a liberal ‘anything goes’ church but one firmly rooted in the Bible. God Bless the Pastor and congregants.

  4. Surprise, Surprise, Surprise (h/t Gomer Pyle)
    A pastor who has studied the Early Apostolic communities on training a man to work and then making them work. Good for this pastor he needs prayer. Others have hit upon the fact that the government will find a simple way (no permit . . .) to operate his shuttle service.

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