Trump Got Real in South Carolina – Are the Globalists Going To Allow Him To Exist? – IOTW Report

Trump Got Real in South Carolina – Are the Globalists Going To Allow Him To Exist?

Is Trump going to be visiting a ranch in Texas? How about a Texas motorcade?

Much of Trump’s rhetoric is about destroying the U.S. trade deals that the Globalists forced the U.S. into. You don’t hear much of this out of Cruz or Rubio.

NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, TPP. These aren’t going to go gently into that dark night. More likely, Trump will.

See here

ht/ JS

34 Comments on Trump Got Real in South Carolina – Are the Globalists Going To Allow Him To Exist?

  1. While I agree that Trump won’t cave per say, he has already demonstrated that he either doesn’t understand trade or he is pandering to his ignorant followers because they don’t.

    Trump as president doesn’t make or repeal legislation. The evil Republican globalists do that.

    What trump is doing is what the Populist party did with the free silver issue of 1896 did to the ignorant Bad Brads of that era.

    William Jennings Bryant ran as a Democrat in 1896 but he used the rhetoric of the Populist party that sprang up because of the deal Republicans did with Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico to decrease the amount of Gold in the coins to make silver more valueble in return for their vote to repeal the sugar tarriff so the New York Republican sugar manufacturer and canners in Chicago could get cheap sugar from Cuba.

    Trump is exactly like Williams Jennings Bryant with a false narrative of “manufacturing I phones in the US again” which really means tariffs on imports which is always an economy killer (every time it’s tried)

    Think Venezuela.

    Trump has taken chapter 13 4 times (2009 was the last) I know BB, that is not a criticism because he brilliantly screwed his co investors while not taking personal bankruptcy.

    Sort of like how he will screw tax payers this time

    But I will support him big time if he gets the nomination.

    I just know what he is. A brilliant executive as long as he is on a game show.

  2. JPM,
    Who do you support in this primary?

    Tell us all how that candidate’s platform differs from Trump’s.

    Your candidate, as president, doesn’t make or repeal legislation.
    So, what is your candidate campaigning on that they are allowed to do?

    Can’t wait to hear the answer.

  3. Jeeze Louise. Do we have to go to this already? I hate to even think about this. I cannot say how incredibly sad it will make me if Trump is murdered. Sure, because of our country’s loss, but so much more for how it would devastate his family.

    But a day doesn’t go by that I’m not prepared for that breaking news and the immediate media cluster —-.

  4. They appoint Justices for One. The ENFORCE emigration for another (and I believe Trump will do that as well). The President submits a budget and Congress votes on it. That is his real power. I guess with Trumps BK history he is most qualified to do that.

    While I don’t really know all that much about Cruz, he is a conservative and clearly was born one. That is why he won debates in High School and College. Liberals can’t win debates because liberalism is a lie and lies don’t win.

    Clearly Cruz is a true conservative. Clearly Trump is a pandering phony who was Democrat when he wasn’t Republican.

    Brad your grasp of economics and economic history must be amazing. Tell us how the Populists got the issues of the day right!

    and I don’t see Cruz as an insider. He is a junior senator with no power I see Jeb as the insider.

  5. It’s a strange argument when someone says the president doesn’t write or repeal legislation.

    We know that.

    But all presidents run on “a chicken in every pot.”
    Somehow it’s Trump’s platform, and his alone, that is dismissed because presidents don’t write legislation.

    But when that same critic’s candidate listens to his guy talk about doing this and doing that the same criticism isn’t leveled at them.

    How is Cruz going to do anything he says he is going to do?
    How is Rubio going to do it?

  6. BFH, I’m serious as a heart attack when I say this. If Trump stops breathing before his expectation date for any reason, that might just kick off the revaluation. The damn preppers are voting trump. The LDS I know are all voting Trump. From my little vantage point I’m seeing a full fledged movement. And they are all angry. It’s like that “I’m mad as hell” movie thing.

  7. I am dismissing Trump because he is a life-long New York Democrat. You talk about a history of being a Democrat and contributing money to Democrats and then thinking their budget is going to be Conservative?
    When Regan won, we had Republicans in power and he was able to not veto their legislation and he did submit a budget that had a tax proposal along with it.

    We have a Republican legislature now. A conservative president would be nice.

    You think Trump is that Fur? Really.

    No joke, I will be his biggest supporter if he wins the nomination, but I’m not fooled by the guy.
    Trump is just not one. He could change.

  8. So you think I am for Rubio GS? Because I see Trump for what he is?

    Rubio is a liar and a liar on the single most important issue to this country.

    That makes Cruz the default for me unless or until Trump wins.

  9. Brad I have a family business with my brother and sister. We do land title research for lawyers and loan closings. Our business is terrible. It hasn’t been this bad since 1980. Since the 2nd worst president this country has ever had.

    I also have a degree in economics from cow college. (bet you think that is useful! LOL) Actually, it is extremely helpful for me because it is a lucrative fall back sideline.

    You know, reading financial statements and such.

  10. JPM, I’ve owned a precision machine shop for over 30 years. In our hay day we employed 50 people with just under 10 mil in sale. We started watching our work march off shore at the end of the Clinton admin and it’s done nothing but get worse as time goes on. I could go on and on. Nothing I Haven’t written here before. Trump being a bad ass capitalist might/ probably is more important to me than any official conservative credential he might need for others. My main priority is a big ass economic reset. The economy I feel now will impact you eventually if you have not felt it already. That’s why I’m a Trump fanatic. He can get done what nobody else running can. Thanks for answering. I hope this is productive for both of us.

  11. Trump requires a leap of faith, and I’m not going to denigrate anyone that doesn’t want to make that leap.
    I completely understand.

    I’m not exclusively knocking on doors for Trump, or Stumping For Trump.
    Jeebus, I made truck magnet designs for both Cruz and Trump.

    I wrote to Meerkat in an email, I said, “I can even understand where people are coming from when they get angry at Trump supporters. There is more of a case for calling Trump supporters nuts and stupid than there is for doing the same to Cruz supporters.”

    I know all this.
    And I’m not angry about any of it.
    I get angry when I hear people planning on supporting the left if Trump happens to get in.

    It makes no sense to support what we know will govern left and shun the guy who says he’s going to govern right, but you just don’t believe him.
    Common sense will have gone out the window and derangement would have flown in.

    That’s when my barrage of “assholio” will begin.

    But in the meantime, I’m not angry at anyone.
    I’m observing because I know whoever wins I will support them in order to defeat Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton, and I will be happy with the winner. (Not so much Rubio, but I can still support him over the left.)

  12. Plane Jane, I’m sure I’ve cut some of your metal at some point in time. And I’m also certain a lot of it I’ve cut is laying in the dessert in Iraq. You’ve watched our politicians destroy your economy, you’re income the same as me. We trusted them. They screwed us.

  13. Excellent article.

    Like Fur says, I’m more then willing to make this leap of faith with Trump. Not only aren’t Rubio or Cruz talking about this but Cruz flat out has been lying about his support of TPP. At least Rubio made his bed and is lying in it.

    It’s wordy but c’mon Cruz supporters, read it and make your rebuttals. I’ll wait…..

    In the meantime there has been one man, from the start of his campaign that has made righting the trade imbalance ship a key policy issue. Trump has got all off the gears engaged in his arguments to make this country great again.

    He started talking about a wall. Cruz joined in.

    He started the talk about deporting illegals. Cruz joined in.

    He raised red flags about these horrible trade deals. Cruz is silent.

    People think you’re a real black helicopter guy when you mention Heidi was a G/S employee and a member of the North American Union. Really?


  14. I can see the reasons for the different perspectives and I understand why the commenters here feel strongly about theirs; however, none of the candidates are perfect. They are human, so they can’t be. That being said, I much prefer Cruz and I don’t really trust Trump or Rubio, but I will vote for the eventual nominee as opposed to rolling over for a Hillary or Bernie.

  15. It may be a leap of faith, but it’s more like a ‘gut’ leap of faith. In my head I know that anyone but the Trumpster is going to be business as usual, which we can no longer afford.

    But wait…..News Flash….Trump says he, “will prosecute Hillary if elected”. Okay now, we have a whole new ball game. Memo to Trump: Check the oil and air pressure in the tires yourself on Air Trump One. Think Vinny Foster.

  16. This is part of Trump’s left wing engagement.
    Free trade is not the problem, even though the left has been beating that drum since the 20’s. It was wrong then, it is wrong now.
    We can compete with any country in the world, if allowed to.
    1. Remove tens of thousands of regulations that stifle and hinder our success.
    2. Have our export/import regulations match the country we are selling/buying from. yes, that would be devastating to japan and China and the middle east in the short run, but they would lower their walls quickly.

    Everyone prospers from freedom. Tariffs and the like are the opposite of freedom.
    Look back through history and note how ‘well’ protectionist tariffs and duties economies.

  17. MM — There are so many important issues that time and the U.S. gov’t have made critical all at once. The TPP is one of them.

    I posted this about it to the BP on 2/12:

    There were no comments on it from any Cruz people here, but Czar of D and I had a good conversation.

    It takes no leap of faith for me to vote for Trump and that’s why this GE is unique for me. I began this year all-in for Cruz (“I Chuz Cruz”), but after I had a second, third, and fourth look at Trump, that was it. So, unless I find some stupid frat boy pictures of him on his FB, I’ll do everything I can to get him elected.

    (My primary career covers 25 successful years of executive recruiting for technology companies of every scale, from C-level to junior programmer. Over the course of that time I’ve read tens of thousands of resumes and interviewed thousands of people. Very early on I established a “hit rate” (ratio of people interviewed to the person hired) of about 1.5:1. I may have looked at hundreds of resumes for a given position, but I only faced-to-faced with about 1.5 people before the hiring manager/team gave the nod to negotiate an offer. I got my start in business negotiating technology contracts for a mega bank, across the table from IBM, Apple (remember the ‘Macintosh’?), Microsoft, etc. and was at one time on the audit team, examining in-house software development processes. I write these things to elucidate my specific, professional qualifications for choosing people for a specific job and the analytical skills required to arrive at a decision. So, you see, there is so much more than emotion or “gut” involved here.)

    Trump is that “lightning in a bottle” candidate every recruiter dreams of finding. I only wish I was his recruiter and was looking forward to the pay day (commission) on his start date. It would be Yuuuge! On second thought, however, his start date will mean a long-time-coming pay day for America, and that means more than money to me.

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