Bad News For the GOP’s Presidential Aspirations – IOTW Report

Bad News For the GOP’s Presidential Aspirations

John Kasich says he will drop out if he loses Ohio.

This is bad news, and my headline is not snarky. I am deadly serious. I’ll explain after a Red State blogger weighs in:

Yesterday, the John Weaver’s sugar Daddy John Kasich did the only rational thing he has accomplished this election cycle other than hurt Marco Rubio:

Republican presidential hopeful John Kasich said on Saturday that he will drop out of the race if he doesn’t win his home state of Ohio.

“I will beat Donald Trump in Ohio, and that will be the beginning of a new day,” Kasich told a crowd in Nashville, according to The New York Times.

“Some of the other candidates, if they can’t win their home state, they got to get out, OK?” he added. “If I don’t win my home state, I’ll get out. But you know what? I’m going to win Ohio.”

We won’t miss this sanctimonious butt-boil. He could actually save us all a lot of time by dropping out right now.

According to RealClearPolitics, John Kasich is the leading candidate in a head to head match-up with Hillary Clinton.

Kasich’s RCP average is +7.4

Rubio is +4.7

Cruz is +0.8

Trump is -2.8

RCP polls are being cited to warn voters about supporting Trump. It seems that Cruz and Trump are the dogs. Kasich is the real winner, and Red State is all-in with “Gang of 8” Rubio.

You see, Trump “might” be lying when he posts his solidly right-wing platform, but proven liar and turncoat, Marco Rubio, is the one we should be backing.

And if Trump should beat Cruz, Rubio and Kasich in the primary, we should all vote for either the avowed socialist Sanders, or the lying, thieving, murderous crunt, Hillary Clinton, because “Trump might be lying about what he’s promising.”

Can the world just slow down a little so I can safely tuck and roll when I jump off?




33 Comments on Bad News For the GOP’s Presidential Aspirations

  1. Tuck and roll! haaha! Good one. Ohio’s primary is 3/15 — about a gazillion dog years from now and those polls don’t reflect voter sentiment after SEC in which Rubio explains how he lost his own state by double digits.

    This is by far the funnest GE we’ve seen!

    And this changes things a little, too: Senator Jeff Sessions just endorsed Donald J. Trump. This should knock a big hole in the wall of lies being told by Trump’s detractors.

    Not a yuuge surprise, but some kind of wonderful.

  2. Donald J. Trump on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

    “The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period.

    The Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental right that belongs to all law-abiding Americans. The Constitution doesn’t create that right – it ensures that the government can’t take it away. Our Founding Fathers knew, and our Supreme Court has upheld, that the Second Amendment’s purpose is to guarantee our right to defend ourselves and our families. This is about self-defense, plain and simple.

    It’s been said that the Second Amendment is America’s first freedom. That’s because the Right to Keep and Bear Arms protects all our other rights. We are the only country in the world that has a Second Amendment. Protecting that freedom is imperative. ….”

    The rest:

  3. TO AA

    Don’t waste your breath on
    TROLLSCUM boom.

    PLEASE NOTE: 4 out of 4 of his posts here are OFF TOPIC.
    Quel “surprise” *yawn*.


    That said, the GOPe is DESPERATE beyond belief as we speak!
    THIS is what they have sunk to (that, and the “KKK” smear attempt I link to in the Bullpen).

  4. Thanks, Czar. I’m an idiot for caring about Boom’s comments. Anyone who keeps posting widely debunked junk is the definition of a troll.

    To see the level of desperation from the GOPe is truly a wonderful thing. Probably the most depressing thing to experience over the past couple of decades is their seeming invulnerability to any real ouster.

  5. Jeff Sessions sided with McConnell during the 2014 debt ceiling fight. Only Mike Lee stood with Cruz.

    I see the Trump blog bullies showed up to hurl nasty insults at me but it’s to be expected they learned it from their Dear Leader Trump.

  6. Menderman,

    Wow, you’re missing out. Be sure and go right the the “About The Author” section. They all live in Texas in their parents basement and all work fast food.

  7. I do give a heads up on my links but the comment box won’t let me post much more than the link. As far as the readers here go I post the links for people who are still undecided. The blog bullies don’t read the links anyway, but hey they can trash me all they want it doesn’t bother me but it’s sad that’s what people have come to in this election.

  8. This is where we were back when Romney was running.
    We were all supposed to get behind him because ‘He was the only one who could beat Hillary”
    There is a vile thing that exists in the Republican apparati that needs to be stomped out or we will never get another Republican president.
    That is open primaries where Democrats can, and do vote for who THEY want us to be stuck with.
    These crossovers are overwhelmingly voting for trump. As happened to Romney, they will not vote for him in the general.
    Due to Trump actively courting the crossovers, some are calling Trump a Democrat operative. I don’t think he is, I believe he really expects them to vote Republican.

  9. Boom, I have no idea what platform you are using to access this site, but the comment box is seemingly endless for me. If you post more than two links at a time I think you get sent to spamland, but commentary can be very long. I am simply asking that you summarize your link to entice folks to click on it, that is all.

  10. Menderman; Many of us do not use a platform to access the site.
    We interact with the site directly through the site logon.
    Doing it that way severely restricts how and what things are posted.
    I won’t use a google product, have no use for facebook or twitter, and during the brief time I used DISCUS I ended up with a leftist troll stalking me and showing up on every site I visited.
    Personally, I don’t understand why sites push people onto the platforms. As near as I can tell all they do is aggregate all the posts you do on the internet and save them for some unknown use in the future. Possibly for when Bernie Sanders needs to find those to round up.

  11. The GOP deserves what happens.
    The rise of Trump is the result of the GOP having control of both houses and still giving away the store…at every opportunity…with enthusiasm.
    I hope four years of Trump teaches the idiots in the Republican party to pay attention to the base.
    And I like Trump a lot, basically because he punches back twice as hard as he gets punched.
    Which would be nice in a commander in chief, for a change.

  12. @JohnS ~ “…open primaries where Democrats can, and do vote for who THEY want us to be stuck with”

    it depends on the states Republican platform, not the RNC. My state used to allow anyone to vote in the republican primary, not now. Some state parties allow it, others do not.

  13. Open primaries or not, I think Trump has the potential to pull enough Ds over to vote R that he could destroy both parties at the same time.

    It would serve them both right if he did.

    But what would be left after he accomplishes the feat?


    Every single success by anyone will be undone and erased by the 15 million amnesty democrat voters and 15 million more Mexicans and moslimes 4 years from now. The Demons will have a permanent dictatorship and America will be gone.

    Pick your issue and I will explain how not building the wall and evicting the dogs will ruin it.


    America is a mangled body from a car crash dying on the emergency room.table. Let the trauma the dying body NOW.

    The plastic surgeons can come in later and make it look pretty again after we get off life support…

  15. Mr. Brown, there is one issue that trumps immigration. It is the single most important issue that ever existed. It is the issue that encourages illegal immigration. That issue is:


    Quit giving illegals free shit, and they will leave here in droves. Spending is what politicians use to control the masses and stay in power. Give us a flat tax and the politicians lose that power. Give us a balanced budget amendment and the entire government cedes power back to the people.

    Do you know a candidate that is running on that platform? If not, who is the closest to that view?

  16. How can a politician, any one of them, implement a program and reduce spending, pass a balanced budget etc… if, in four years he will lose re-election when the current invaders are given amnesty and registered as and vote demorat?

    What difference does it make if you promise to reduce spending or cut off spending completely if you allow amnesty and continued invasion and give them the votes to stop it or overturn it immediately?

    Reid promises to cut the budget by 50 % in return for Rubio granting amnesty to 15 million illegal democrat new voters. Deal…. 4 years later they win everything and raise the budget 500% in the first year. Rubio goes away quietly.

    Our country dies forever.

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