Sad- Bill O’Reilly Loses Custody of His Teenage Kids – IOTW Report

Sad- Bill O’Reilly Loses Custody of His Teenage Kids

Not a huge fan of O’Reilly, but you never want to hear about domestic strife.


According to the 1,400 word opinion issued on 24 February, the court’s four justices unanimously ruled in his ex-wife’s favor based upon “the clearly stated preferences of the children” and the “quality of the home environment provided by the mother”.

Mr O’Reilly’s 17-year-old daughter told a court-appointed forensic examiner last year that she saw her father dragging her mother down a staircase by the neck.

He responded to Politico in May last year: “All allegations against me in these circumstances are 100% false. I am going to respect the court-mandated confidentiality put in place to protect my children and will not comment any further.”

Court transcripts allegedly revealed that his daughter also considered Mr O’Reilly as an absentee parent who was not interested in developing a relationship with her and struggled to control his rage, which she found “scary”.

He also allegedly told his daughter that her mother was an “adulterer”.


21 Comments on Sad- Bill O’Reilly Loses Custody of His Teenage Kids

  1. I’m having endless problems typing comments on various sites with long dead time and something loading. It makes it really hard to just write. Is this happening to others?

  2. Walpurgis – try emptying your cache, delete temporary files and dump all your cookies (only the ones on your computer LOL). That has worked for me in the past. You might want to look at updating Java as well if you haven’t lately.

  3. Having witnessed on more than a few occasions, how easy it is for one parent to pit a child against the other parent…well, it can really mess with a kid’s impression of things. Bill’s not my favorite, but I don’t mind him. If he was physically abusive, he’s a di*k, but I’m not going to make a judgement based on what a 17 year old girl, who may have her own axe to grind, says.

  4. In all seriousness, this is not the end of the world for his relationship with his kids. My parents both evidenced bad bad behavior during their divorce in the 80’s. My dad finally grew up when he was about 65. We were estranged for almost 8 years.

    It’s a good thing his kids are standing up and refusing to be collateral damage in their parents’ divorce. Hopefully in a few years he looks back and realizes what he’s done but with an ego like that……

  5. O’Reilly, O’Donnell, O’Bama,… They are all the same trash. O’Reilly is a scumbag and his abuseiveness is well known on Long Island. His behavior at and around Chaminade HS where his sons went, was witnessed by everyone associated with them, and a hushed secret to the outsiders. He gives a lot of money to the school. In fact, at one time the school was considering admissions so strict it would be tuition free and operated via endowment from previous graduates.

    Another phony scumbag is the great Mark Levin… please stop buying his books and I feel sorry for the dolts that join his new tv prescription television channel. Idiots. This phony, screaming, blowhard has lined his pockets off his shtick beyond belief. Yet his bullshit “Landmark Legal Foundation” has never accomplished a single thing to benefit anyone but him. Unlike Judicial Watch for example, that has done all of the heavy lifting, and month after month is in court and filing motions and FOIAs, and delivering small victories on a regular basis for years now.

    These two scumbags have duped too many trusting, gullible, older people and senior citizens into falling for their Walter Cronkite bullshit. They are NOT trustworthy. They are marketing con artists at the end of the day and nothing more. Glenn beck without the crying routine.

  6. To Warplugs point… sometimes the scroll freezes, and I can’t read the comments or comment. Then it fixes itself. Also, there were an obscene amount of pop unders? that would cause the pictures on your site, pixelate and freak out. I’d have to remove the window completely to find them and after several tries click them off to view your site and then continue. I hope I’ve explained this correctly. I need more coffee. :))

  7. Warplugs; it is adsupply forcing a popup.
    if you refresh the page the popup will usually appear, then you will find that the site will function properly until you leave for a period of time and come back

  8. Re: IOTWR hanging up: As I have mentioned before, I use IE (yeah, I’m a dinosaur, but it works for me), which has a feature called “Tracking Protection” (which I sometimes I have to turn on just to get any response from IOTWR). Anyway, when you click on it, it always asks if you want to turn it on and gives you a count of what will be affected. Just now I clicked on it out of curiosity and the message said, “Turn on Tracking Protection to block content from 1082 services on this site?”

    I’m not real computer-savvy, but could 1082 services be a clue as to why this site bogs down so much?

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