I Guess It’s Time For That Coveted BFH Endorsement – IOTW Report

I Guess It’s Time For That Coveted BFH Endorsement

Here’s my endorsement:


But I have an additional announcement to make.

Regular readers on iOTWreport watched as I struggled to balance the site so that no one was made to feel like their favored candidate was getting short shrift.

Decisions had to be made. Look around. Ask yourself, how committed was I to keeping it fair when Mr. Pinko got overenthusiastic about Trump? Where is Mr. Pinko? No, he’s not fired. He’s on assignment doing his thing elsewhere because iOTWreport wasn’t the place for strident electioneering.

We do positive Trump stories, we do negative Trump stories. We did positive stories for Cruz, Carson, not so much Rubio, and we did negative ones.

Our influence on the primary season for the main contenders was meant to be a net neutral.

This evening I got into it in the comments about the #NeverTrump movement. My disdain for this movement has nothing to do with “pulling for Trump.” My feelings on this would be the same if this was a #NeverBartSimpson movement had Bart Simpson’s platform been identical to Trump’s and he was leading in the delegate count.

#NeverBartSimpson would be the enemy of my #NeverHillary credo.

I’ve worked hard the past 7+ years doing everything I could to spread into the ether the despicableness of the Clinton clan, believing her to be less deserving of the title of commander-in-chief than even John Kerry. She is less deserving than private Manning, and he’s in jail. It would actually cause me physical pain to see her sworn in as the top commander of our military, and I thought that everyone on the right shared that feeling.

I was wrong.

The fighting tonight probably made it seem like I’m a strident Trump supporter. I am not. I am simply not a Trump hater. That’s far different. My agenda is to keep the left out of the white house so that we can have the hill and the house at the same time. I’m not fearful that a 69 year-old man is campaigning like he’s on the right in order to govern as a leftist and have the name Trump, a name that means everything to his children’s children’s children (financially) end up being synonymous with the word traitor. I think that’s an irrational belief. There is no way in hell Trump would be worse for this country than Hillary Clinton. There is no way in hell Trump deserves the presidency less than Hillary Clinton. But, additionally, Trump doesn’t deserve the presidency any more than Ted Cruz.

I just got off the phone with MJA. So, she is my witness to what I am about to say.

I hope that Ted Cruz wins the primaries. I hope he sweeps the rest of the remaining states.

You heard me.

My enthusiasm for Cruz has not gone up. My enthusiasm for Trump has not gone down. It was never far off to begin with. It’s just simply not worth it to me to have to witness people on the right creating an atmosphere where Hillary Clinton becomes the commander-in-chief.

Has this movement threatened me or strong-armed me into feeling this way? Nope. They couldn’t, because I really don’t care if it’s Trump or Cruz. I never did. So, why would I pull for the scenario where I have to watch the #ConservativesForHillary movement in action? Yes, yes, I know, they call themselves #NeverTrump, and rallying people to not vote for Trump doesn’t aid Hillary at all.

Whatever makes them sleep at night.

So, I am officially hoping it is Cruz, for the good of the country. And this would actually be “good for the country,” not like how the #NeverTrump people claim that Hillary would be better for the country if she defeats Trump.

It’s this type of mental gymnastics and brain spraining I want to avoid going forward.


You can do it.








66 Comments on I Guess It’s Time For That Coveted BFH Endorsement

  1. There’s one thing to be said about this dumpster fire known as The Primaries… The Regime can put the wrecking ball to America, finish her off, and no one is playing attention.

    The winner in November will be the Ruler of Ruins. 🙁

  2. You bet. I want Cruz, yet I’ll gladly take Trump. Looks like I’ll be voting Trump this November. Hopefully, Cruz tries again or takes SCOTUS.

    BTW, I am a proud winner of one of those Cruz magnet car banners from this very site! That thing got plenty of miles today in MA.

  3. Big Fur, you have been very fair and I for one appreciate it. It is very easy for get so ardent in supporting “your guy” that one sees supporting anyone else is sheer lunacy. Keep your sense of humor and keep up the good fight.

  4. Now there is the BigFurHat I’ve loved for all these years. (Seriously, I’ve had a major crush on you for your wit and talent. So sue me). Thank you for this post. I know emotions are running high, and believe me, I understand what you’re saying and I’ve always believed you’ve tried to be fair here. That’s why the set-to with Menderman surprised me. And I agree – I can’t think of anyone that would be worse than Hillary Clinton. Sanders comes close. What a fine pair that the Democrats are running.

    What I would love to see is people able to agree to disagree during this primary season. Also, would it be too much to ask to promote your candidate without tearing down other people’s choice? That would be nice. Won’t happen, but I can dream.

  5. Well that was PERFECT!
    Best.Endorsement.Yet. (Seriously!)
    Thank you for being a voice of reason in the current political insane asylum on the right! ? ?
    #NeverHillary nails it. The nominee will have my support 100%!

  6. Well, I have commented several times that I admire what you have done to be fair and hospitable to both Cruz and Trump supporters, BFH, and your announcement does nothing to change that. While some bloggers have openly pulled for one candidate or another, and some bloggers have pretended not to, you have accomplished the seemingly impossible. Much appreciated.

  7. dapenguin,
    your comment actually saddens me a bit.
    Whatever happened to Hillary For Prison?

    That was a great meme.

    It’s been replaced with “Give Hillary the White House If It’s Just Donald Trump Standing in Her Way.”

    I cannot wrap my head around that.
    Can the right be that far apart that some will rabidly support Trump while others would rather give it all to the Clintons?

    It’s 180* of separation.

  8. Ive always wanted a Trump and Cruz ticket.I don’t hate Cruz but the shaming letters he sent in Ia put me off quite a bit.Id still like to see that ticket but I wont hold my breath 🙂 I can not stand Rubio but would vote for him against killary #NeverHillary

  9. Bravo Fur! You are the Prince I always thought you were and porved it the way you’ve handled the past month or two of debate here. I for one got tired of the boorish insults thrown by some every time their guy got ticked. You were as fair about the whole thing and tried to make us think about the issues, one way or the other rather then demean those who disagreed. I just want to make sure Hillary is defeated and enjoys a retirement in prison.

  10. Mr. Big Fur Hat, I couldn’t agree with you more. I cannot for the life of me understand those that would rather see Hillary as President over Trump. It’s insanity. Nor do I understand the animus that has developed in the comments by IOTWers defending their candidate. Gee whiz, we’re supposed to be at least compatriots, if not pals.

  11. Just how big is the conservative* I’llVoteHillaryBeforeTrump faction?

    Around here it seemed to garner only a few votes.

    * How can anyone call themselves conservative and vote Dem spitefully is beyond me. Something seriously wrong with them.

  12. Anyone willing to vote for ANY Democrat after the last 8 years of astonishing accomplishment of Team Screw America just didn’t suffer enough.

    That could be because they are incredible rich or lucky, part of the stealing machine (iow politically connected), or stupid and deserving of the firing squad.

    There I said it.

  13. I’m a Cruz guy. I’ll grudgingly settle for a left leaning Trump. But, you know, I’m getting tired of settling for middle of the road, RINO presidential candidates over and over and over. It never works out well, does it, Senator Dole, Senator McCain and Governor Romney?

    But hey, notable ultra-conservative Chris Christie endorsed him so what could possibly go wrong? It’s not like the left will come out blazing during the general election with evidence of Trump making contradictory statements on almost every issue over the past 20 years that are archived in perpetuity on YouTube, or something, right? Nah, Trump will be president in a cakewalk.

    I would never vote for either Hillary or Sanders, no matter who the R’s throw out there as their candidate, even if it’s a bizarre, boorish, rude, cartoonish, realty show candidate. We are missing a huge opportunity to actually trot out a rare, full-throated conservative candidate and see how that works out in comparison to the middle-of-the-roaders that are usually nominated. But hey:


  14. Well take my wife – She won’t vote for Trump no matter what. If it comes down to Hillary or Trump she’s either not going to vote or write in someone like Ron Paul, which is the same as a vote for Hillary. The media engraved her vision of Tump deep in the brain cells, there hasn’t been anything I can say or do to change it. She’s at the point where she simply tunes out and refuses to hear anything good about Trump. She’s not advocating against him, which is good, but that’s where the good stops. I’ve been saying it for years Hillary will be our next president and I hope to be wrong, but there is a titanic load of conservatives and libertarians out there as bad or worse than my wife.

  15. All I truly want is what is best for the country.
    I am solidly behind Cruz.
    Even with Trumps accolades and support of Planned Parenthood (gag) I will certainly and willingly vote for him if he is the nominee.

    If we can convince the House and Senate to pass a conservative Bill to prevent the murder of the young and other Nation saving measures, I believe Trump will honor the people’s will and sign the Bills.

    Hillary is a death kiss to all we hold dear, that will not change.
    Cruz/Trump !

  16. BFH, I appreciate your balancing act. I used to really enjoy reading the comments, last few weeks, not so much. I voted for Cruz yesterday. Really disappointing how far off the mark he was in VA. The other guys (Carson!) need to drop out. Cruz picks up at least a couple more states if it is just him and Trump.

    Trump looks likely to be the nominee, and I will vote for him.

    It will be anger mixed with tears if I have to witness Hillary sworn in.

  17. Cruz will never get the nomination and Trump will be dumped. This is all done by design. It’s to finish America off. This is what is sad. The fix is in the new world order is here. I can see it plain as day.

  18. Another four years of Hillary and Bill Clinton fulfilling Obumbler’s fundamental transformation of this country will be the FULL CATASTROPHE, and America will never recover from the Leftist destruction they will inflect on us. I can’t stand Trump, even though I like many of the things he claims he believes in. I don’t trust him. I trust Ted Cruz, but I don’t believe he can beat Trump. Therefore, I will gladly vote for the anti-Clinton candidate. Any Republican who thinks they can sit this one out is a willing stooge of the Fundamental Transformers.

  19. The Dumbplumber would NOT vote for Trump if his wife was a wheel at Goldman Sachs or was in cahoots with the Council on Foreign Relations. Both these organizations have been part of the problem, not part of the answer for a very long time. Likewise, he would not vote for Trump if Trump were caught cheating in the election or distributing information that was fabricated and fundamentally untrue. That would be the characteristic scumball politician and Dumbplumber has had enough of them.

    No, it’s time we cleared the decks of self serving, constantly campaigning to be re-elected, double talking, lying weasels and start running this country like a business, with great cash flow, but over $20 trillion in debt and over $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities and which thinking going in more debt at over $100 billion a month is good business.

    Sorry Cruzers, but anybody that thinks the husband of a Goldman Sachs exec and functionary of the Council on Foreign Relations is going to do that is delusional.

  20. I too, keep wishing that Trump and Cruz will run on the same ticket. That their conflicts were all for show, or control of the top billing. We’ll see. One thing for sure, I could NEVER vote for a Democrat. America matters too much to allow those Carpetbaggers to continue to have power.

  21. Fur, I respect your choice. You don’t have to explain why. I get it.

    ANY Republican candidate is better than Hitlery. She is an evil, incompetent, lazy, greedy, self-serving crunt. I hate to say this, but even the despicable !Jeb! would be preferable to Hitlery. She belongs in jail, not on a ballot or in the White House.

    I like both Cruz and Trump. Cruz is an excellent constitutionalist, which this nation needs rather badly after two terms of Bawwy. And I’ve always liked the idea of a businessman as president. I unapologetically voted for Perot in 1992. If Trump is elected president, we’ll have jobs coming out our asses. This would be a beautiful thing after decades of manufacturing decline.

    So sue me, I’m just #NotReadyforHillary. And I never will be.

  22. The only way I’d vote for Hellery is if I needed to decide between her and Yeb! But now that Yeb! is officially a had been, there’s no worry anymore. However, some goofs are paying for and pushing hard for Marco…………………………… Rubio! (there’s always a gap between his first and last name because someone is underwater) and if I get stuck with Hellry and Rubio, I’ll have to stay at home. I sure as shit won’t vote for Hellry!

    With Trump and Cruz as the front runners, the establishment is fcuked and I’m OK with that. Should Rubio rocket to the front for some unknown reason it means the establishment pulled a fast one, I’m not OK with that and will not choke down a vote for Rubio.

    I live in Illinois, so it really doesn’t matter one way or the other. All of the electoral votes for this state have already been decided well in advance of deciding who the candidates will be.

    In 2 weeks however, I will pull a demonrat card for the primary and I’m voting for Bernie David. Again, this is Illinois and that’s how we roll, vote against the worst of all evil in March. Not by endorsing the party of your choice, but by voting against the other party’s candidate of choice.

  23. BFH, well said.
    Voting for Hitlary is like voting for the Plague. The Plague, will drive down real estate prices, so i guess that’s a good thing.
    I vote Klingon
    My enemies (the entire cadre of leftist communists in training) want Hitlary. I intend to deny them.
    I could give a shit who wins as long as it denies the Left their desires. Run Romney with Andy Griffith’s corpse as VP, I don’t care.
    I like Cruz because the GOP hates him
    I like Trump because the GOP does not deserve to have a Party anymore.
    I have voted faithfully Republican since my first election in 1976
    The Republicans have given everything away
    I will hold my nose and be faithful again whoever is the candidate.
    But the GOP deserves whatever happens to them.
    I hope Ted and Donald run together and eat that power mad Harridan for Breakfast.
    Her voice alone could drive a man to suicide.

  24. I really, really hope it’s Cruz, but I will vote for the nominee. Like many others here, I was hoping for a Trump/Cruz alliance; still am a teeny bit, but I’d vote for roadkill over Hillary.

  25. I’d vote for Charles Manson before I would cast a vote for Hillary. I don’t think he’s responsible for as many deaths. It blows my mind that so many “conservatives” would cut off their noses to spite their faces and vote for Hillary if Trump is nominated. I hope those of that mindset reconsider. If Hillary is elected, the country is done. We’ll all be subjects instead of citizens.

  26. Absolutely correct – no way in hell Trump could be worse than Hillary. In fact, I don’t even think Bernie could be worse than Hillary.

    Regardless of who gets the GOP nod, which is frightening as it appears most likely to be Trump, they have my vote.

    Just as it was with Romney and McCain, I’ll hold my nose and vote against a Democrat, rather than for a Republican. And, just as it was with Romney and McCain, we’ll probably have to find a way to survive eight years of Hillary.

  27. If Trump is nominated, for the first time since 1984, I won’t be eating a Top Of The Ticket Shit Sammich.

    As for the rest of them, I sure as fuck ain’t sitting on my hands and not voting for whoever.

    But voting Rubio would make the Dole/McCain/Romney Triple Burger Shit Sammich look like manna.

  28. It’s just a dam shame Trump was never a true convert to the right. Said everything right until his mouth received his foot and then I had to reconsider.

    It’s also a shame BHO was such a fucking ideologically driven douche. He had the opportunity to be one of the greatest POTUS of all time. Economics was an easy fix and so was everything else. It wasn’t to be though, he couldn’t get past his Marxist lifelong indoctrination.

  29. Wrong, Fur! This is not a civilized spat about the correct pronunciation of potato.

    Cruz is a back door ticket into the Council on Foreign Relations, Goldman Sachs and the rest of Wall Street and the US Chamber of Commerce.

    Cruz is only a little taller than Hillary, but every bit as corrupt. And, he’s been obsessed with power ever since he was a tadpole.

    Trump is the only dynamite out of the uni-party. ….and he doesn’t walk alone. Newt Gingrich as Chief of Staff…? Chris Christie as AG? Ben Carson as Chief Surgeon…? Larry Kudlow? Carl Icahn…? Trump is the only man who will assemble a team of do-ers, able to accomplish a transformation. ….and leave Caroline Kennedy, Ambassador to Japan, sitting on the dock of the bay…

    ……Lady in Red

  30. Don’t forget Mike Huckabee, also. His daughter just signed up as a Senior Advisor on Trump’s team.

    As VP? Perhaps, after Trump has turned the ship, righted us back on America’s true course, Kaisich might be a good pick to carry on? …..Lady in Red

    PS: Never ever the evil duplicitous Cruz!

  31. Lady in Red said…”Cruz is only a little taller than Hillary, but every bit as corrupt.”

    LMBO! Ive gone from being a Cruz supporter, to will vote either Trump or Cruz to now holding my nose if I have to pull for Cruz. He has proven to me exactly what you describe. His speech last night was filled with dishonesty regarding Trump, he sounded 100% establishment Ryan-esque. Yuk!!

  32. very well said Mr. Fur
    but, I can’t for the life of me understand people saying they won’t vote for Trump if he’s the nominee
    Good God! I’ve voted for Nixon, Gerald Ford, GHW Bush, Bob Dole, John McCain & Mitt Romney (Lord, please forgive me)….. but I won’t vote for Donald Trump? (yes, I voted for Reagan too; but I don’t need the Lord to forgive me for that one)
    WTF are you people thinking??? Killary is actually better a choice than Trump??? because, even if you say you won’t vote for Killary & you’ll stay home & sit in your urine-soaked pouty pants sucking your thumb & muttering ‘I told you so’, or you actively promote the #NEVERTRUMPsters, you are aiding & abetting.
    what, exactly has Trump done to you? welched on a real-estate deal w/ your daddy? stole your kids lollipops? & please, don’t give me that litany about eminent-domain (my family has already experienced gubmint confiscation of our property without compensation back in the 1940’s; so shove that argument), or he’s a lib, or he went bankrupt, or he’s a Soros hack. I’ve heard it all before & most of it is twisted hogwash
    Trump has been a businessman all his life. he has made his family fortune thousands of times over. he wheeled & dealed, rolled over people, lost mult-million dollar deals to & w/ people, & has compromised & played the game of greasing politicians along the way (like Cruz’s ‘loan’ from Goldman Sachs to bankroll his campaign for Senate?). now, many here want to castigate Trump for it; so be it …. but don’t complain about the stick in his eye while ignoring the 2×4 stuck up your own ass. Cruz has his own baggage too, Robio even more than both of them combined
    there is no enthusiam for Killary. low turnout on the republican side helps her immensly. anyone that cares even a little about this country needs to get their noses back in joint & vote for whomever is the republican candidate …. including Trump
    … & don’t give me that crap about ‘might as well let Killary win & hasten the demise’, because my children & grandchildren … & yours & everyone else’s do not deserve anything but the best we can give them.

  33. All this banter, chest pounding and mud-slinging will not change anyone’s mind, You can post all the articles you want and you still won’t be able to convince anyone else that your right.
    Trump is not perfect, but the others seem like limp-wristed pussies, just like like the jerk-off we have in office now, stop apologizing and selling us out! Politicians need to stop the funding by special interest groups as well. Did it ever occur that these idiots can’t even control their own campaign spending? We need a strong leader who cuts through all the bullshit and puts our nation back on the right path.

  34. The punishment for not voting for Trump to keep Hillary out of the White House because you don’t like Trump (and that hideous witch actually wins) should be to have a cochlear implant drilled into your skull so that Every Single Time that Gargoyle gives a speech you get to hear it inside your head.

  35. Trump has balls.
    Trump has courage.
    Trump don’t GAF.

    Trump has driven this campaign season by honestly yelling the things that are reverberating in the minds of Americans.

    We are heading for a catastrophic meltdown economically, financially, morally, and Balkanizationally (yeah, I made that up). Our cities are on the brink of collapse, the rat-people are demanding a seat at the table (that they neither made, nor support), and the feral urbanites are demanding cradle-to-grave EBTs and anarchy. Our Armed Forces have been neutered, ISIS has the material support of the forces of International Socialism, and Iran is nuclearized. Every so often the world goes insane – after the Peloponnesean War, the last period of Global warming (~800 AD), 1348, the Age of Reason, 1914, 1921, and 1939.

    Can Cruz rise to the occasion?


    Men don’t make History – History makes men.

  36. What if the honey badger video, that’s narrated in the gay voice, substituted Trump every time the badger is referenced in the video?

    “OoooH! Look at him run! AAH! There’s a Cobra! Trump don’t care! Trump don’t give a shit. Trump eats Cobras.”

  37. Very well said, Fur. I prefer Cruz, but I’ll vote Trump or whoever gets the nod. I abhor the infighting and attacks on everyone but the real enemy. It has to stop.

    We’ve seen some serious cases of tunnel vision regarding favored candidates, leading to some of the most liberal-sounding threads I’ve ever seen here. The name-calling, ad hominem instead of debate–we have to remember our real enemies, proven enemies, on the Left. We KNOW what they’ll do if we hand them the White House again. We simply can’t afford to be so single-minded and again squabble our way to a Democrat victory because no Republican candidate is going to be a saint. Saints don’t run for public office.

    The Left has no standards and no qualms about supporting a murderous, lying bitch for the presidency. Nothing Trump or Cruz has done can be in any way comparable to what we know Hillary has done–she is worse by many magnitudes than either man. They have dubious dealings in their backgrounds, yes, but they sure as hell don’t have blood on their hands.

    As I see it, our priority is keeping the Democrats out of the White House. Dividing ourselves in this way plays right into their hands, and we do it every election. Please, for the love all that is holy, do not lose sight of the fact that Hillary will be the death of this country. Obama has stuck in the knife. Hillary can’t wait to twist it.

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