Student finds nude picture of teacher on the phone he stole from her – IOTW Report

Student finds nude picture of teacher on the phone he stole from her

After a student found a nude picture of his teacher, on the phone he stole from her, he shared it with his friends via texts.

What was the school’s response when they found out?



The situation prompted school officials to take action — against the teacher — by giving Arthur an ultimatum: either resign or the district will initiate the termination process…

“I think we have a right to privacy, but when we take inappropriate information or pictures, we had best make sure it remains private,” he said. “Students had access to very inappropriate pictures of a teacher.”

Arthur, a “mechatronics” teacher at the Union County Career and Technical Center, resigned last week, district director of personnel Jeff Stribble confirmed in an email to The State.

“Mechatronics is mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer programming,” Arthur toldWYFF.

ht/ fdr in hell

60 Comments on Student finds nude picture of teacher on the phone he stole from her

  1. Although the student that stole the phone is guilty of a lot of wrongs, the teacher was incredibly stupid to store naked pictures of herself on her phone, much less leave it where a student (or anyone else) could easily steal it. Most people are too stupid to have access to the technology that is available today because they have no basic understanding of human nature and how the technology can be readily abused. Mechatronics ……..pffft.

  2. The teacher was stupid, yes. But don’t sell mechatronics short. I am a mechatronics instructor at a local community college, and my students snag starting salaries of $20-25/hr after two years of training. They generally top out at around $35. Oh, and we place every graduate except those who chose to transfer to a four year engineering program. That’s not bad for Arkansas.

    I do hate the name, though. It is simply the latest buzzword for industrial maintenance technology.

  3. “No story about what happened to the thief?”

    * * *

    “Eubanks told The State he’s ‘unsure’ if the student who stole Arthur’s phone and distributed the personal images will face disciplinary action.”

    You get one guess as to why that is.

  4. A quick look at Union County High School profile reveals a picture of perfection with Minority enrollment at 100% of the student body, and a graduation rate of 60% which has decreased from 94% over five years, yet they actually have to think about whether or not to charge the student.
    There’s yer real problem!

  5. She has a right to an expectation of privacy. Not saying it was smart, but definitely saying she should not have been forced out because of the picture. If anything, the administration should have pulled her aside and told her that keeping nude photos on her phone might not be the best idea.

    The culprit here is the twirp who stole her phone and shared her photos. He should not only be arrested for theft, part of his sentence should be groveling service to apologize to the teacher and attempt to restore her reputation. I don’t care if he has to scrub her classroom with a toothbrush and post pictures of himself all over the school cafeteria that say, “I am a thief and a low-life punk and what I did was wrong.”

  6. That actually makes the third case of misdirected justice recently. There was the corrections officer who was struck in a car accident and arrested in New Jersey because he had his legal firearm with him. There was the Louisiana officer who called the thugs with felony warrants “animals” and was forced out, and now a teacher who loses her job because her phone was stolen.

    Something is wrong with this system.

  7. There was once a case in Family Court involving a pair of public-school teachers who met on the job, fell in love, and had a baby together. Eventually they broke up, but continued to see each other on the job. The lady got an order of child support against the gentleman. The gentleman moved on to a new girlfriend, a whiny, manipulative piece of work.

    One day after school, the lady and the gentleman got a hankering for each other. They thought it would be irresistibly cute and naughty to do the nasty in an empty classroom. This they did. The gentleman was stupid enough to record the encounter on his cell phone.

    Guess what? The whiny, manipulative girlfriend found the phone and saw the video. “Marry me or I’m taking this video to the Board of Education!”

    This was the one time the gentleman felt he couldn’t capitulate to Ms. Manipulative’s demands. As a pre-emptive strike, he quit his job before she could contact the Board of Ed. He fled to Florida, where, unable to find a teaching job, he now delivers Domino’s Pizza for a living.

    His Family Court petition was to lower his order of child support . It was denied, because New York State law says that if the payor on a child support quits a job he could have kept and takes a lower-paying job, there is no entitlement to a lowered order.

    So now he’s on the hook for an order based on an income of $85,000/year while making maybe a quarter of that.


  8. Saying that the woman is guilty for having a nude photo of her
    on her stolen private, personal phone is equivalent to telling that reporter woman who had nude photos surreptitiously taken of her in her private, personal hotel room that she is the guilty party for ever being nude in her hotel room!

  9. Erin Andrews is suing the hell out of the hotel where she was filmed nude by some perv. How dare she get nude in her hotel room?

    This woman did nothing wrong.

    Some punk stole her phone.
    Perhaps she kept banking info too and he could have stolen her identity.
    The thing is, IT WAS HER PRIVATE PHONE!
    The asshole that wanted her fired will likely get caught surfing kiddie porn.

  10. @Buster Brown,
    In High School we had Power Mechanics.
    I still have my text book.

    We took apart car motors and tore up anything else we could get our hands on.

    A fantastic class and great no nonsense teacher.
    If someone took his phone they would have smoke coming off their ass.

  11. I cannot believe that folks here are defending a teacher bringing pornography into a classroom.
    If she want’s to diddle herself on her lunch break, she can keep the porno in her car.
    Also, some are defending her leaving the pornography out where students have access to it.

  12. JohnS are you high this morning?

    Any phone these days could be used to surf porn.
    Therefore porn is available anyway, every day.

    Hey, she may have worn a thong to class.
    Let’s stone her NOW!

    To say she brought porn into the classroom is like suspending the kid for a pop-tart gun.

    Congrats on the most idiotic statement of the day, Hands down!

  13. driff, if I don’t want the stereo stolen from my car, perhaps I just shouldn’t have a stereo in my car?

    It is HER phone. What gives anyone the right to say she cannot have pictures of HERSELF? ReallY?

    The issue isn’t HER complaint that she was violated.
    It’s the goddamn school coming after HER job!

    Big difference, big difference!

  14. There is no porn on my phone.
    If you are carrying porn around in public, well, I guess that is your right. Just don’t expect others to be overjoyed if they accidentally encounter it, and don’t expect their opinion of you to rise as a result.
    SHE put porn on her phone, and knew it was there, and brought it into the classroom.
    I have no issue with those that are into pornography, common sense however, dictates that you leave it at home.

  15. Yeah, Loco – don’t go out of your way to completely miss the point.

    I am in complete agreement that the student in this case is a total thieving piece of shit. I just see no reason to take naked pictures of yourself.

  16. I really, really need to see the pics in question. At that point, I’d be fully informed and able to decide if it is porn or not. Also, I’d be looking for Leigh Anne’s phone number, yo.

    JohnS, you call it pR0n. I assume you’ve seen the pictures and have made an informed decision thereto.

    So, uh, where can I sees ’em? Heh.

  17. Drriff; Yes the thief should be punished.
    As to taking naked pictures of yourself, there are a lot of Anthony Weiner types running around.
    This may have hit Loco a bit close to home.

  18. JohnS.

    Methinks too much porn in YOUR mind.

    You just can’t quite get the point can you?

    Did she send nude photos like Weiner? NO
    Do I have nude pics on my phone? NO

    Are you saying I don’t have a RIGHT to have naked photos of MYSELF on my phone?
    Yes, I have that right. (69th Amendment)

    It isn’t even a question of if she should or not.

    I keep a gun in my car.
    If someone steals it and and wastes a couple of brothas in Chicago, it aint my fault because THEY STOLE IT!

    BTW, nudity is not porn you prude.

  19. … and what if he broke into her home stole pictures, while the back door was unlocked? Is that not a crime? It should be about private property remaining private… period!
    Private property was stolen here. The type of property is irrelevent.

  20. What is missing in all the comments is that she has no business having nude photos of herself anywhere on the school property. Period. Full stop. The thief should be charged and prosecuted, but she had no business bring prints, a cd w/photo or video files, or any nude photos of herself onto the school property where she is teaching.

  21. Twenty years ago those pictures would have been prints in her purse. Are you really going to tell her what she can have or not have in her purse and that it is ok to steal her purse to find out?

  22. They just can’t comprehend freedom, Rat Fink.

    Hey, guess what?
    She is NAKED underneath her clothes!
    Oh the shame!

    If the kid reached down her pants would you blame her for that too?

    I will repeat that ANY phone that can search the web has the potential for porn.

    Hell, I imagine nearly every kid in that school has ACTUAL PORN ON THEIR PHONES!

  23. According to some on this thread:

    1) Blame the victim

    2) Property Rights,who needs em?

    3) If I wouldn’t do it nobody should do it.

    4) Nudity = Porn = Nudity = Porn

    5) They can teach sex, alternative sex, anal sex but a teacher can’t have a picture of herself on HER phone.

    I think I got it now.

  24. I don’t believe the teacher necessarily should have been fired, but she showed extremely poor judgment. Loco – you mentioned a gun in your car. Would you leave the car unlocked and the gun in plain sight with a bunch of teens standing around? She apparently left her phone unattended in plain view in a school where she had to know teenagers regularly steal things. Sure the teen should be punished but she should have known better.

  25. Buster Brown – They should just stick to calling it Industrial maintenance tech, particularly in high school and I can believe it is a fine course for what it is. My beef is with the “mechatronics” description given by this teacher. She claimed she was teaching mechanical and electrical ENGINEERING to high school kids. Unless her students are already proficient in physics, chemistry, trigonometry and calculus, she isn’t teaching engineering.

  26. Loco – Get off your GD high horse dude. I NEVER mentioned ANYTHNG about Rights. I am merely pointing out the prudent fact that if you don’t take naked pictures they won’t be there to spread around! Get a flippin’ clue on what I am pointing out – you don’t need to go to battle with everyone over points not made.

    If you or anyone else the world wants to take nude shots – have at it. I don’t care!

  27. Tell me Jeff DRIBBLE isn’t beatin it to Arthur’s house after things calm down to try to perform and in-depth interview. You know he just had to look at those pix in order understand the seriousness of the situation…

  28. The Republic is dead, and the death of the Rule of Law was its precursor. The TV reporter who displays an “illegal” 30-round magazine on air and isn’t prosecuted, a secretary of state who violates National Security isn’t prosecuted, a President who aids and abets (up to and including arming) the enemies of America isn’t prosecuted, an Attorney General who smuggles weapons to drug cartels, leading to the murder of a Border Agent, isn’t prosecuted, NSA operatives who murder 200 foreigners to re-acquire some military hardware aren’t prosecuted, an MIT Professor who publicly admits to conspiracy to deceive and defraud his Sovereign isn’t tried for treason …

    only the “little” people (negroes, rat-people, and middle-income Americans) have to be concerned with “law” …

    if you got standing, you get a pass.

  29. My high horse drriff?

    My horse is a dwarf Shetland pony compared to the high-high horses here.

    Yes, you didn’t make all of the idiotic comments, so all of my comments weren’t directed to you. Just the other idiots.

    Some of my comments were pointed to all the ones blaming the victim and that included you.
    Because that is what you are doing isn’t it?

    The story didn’t mention if she was embarrassed, though I assume she was.
    That was not the point.

    So, do you believe she should have been fired or forced to resign? Just curious.

  30. No, I never blamed the woman. It is a very general observation that if you don’t take nude selfies no one can steal them from you and publish them for the world to see.

    I think the student who stole them is the one who should be punished (arrested for theft and invasion of privacy actually) and the woman should have forced the school to fire her after which she would have very good grounds for wrongful termination (as someone else noted above).

  31. Finally, something we can agree on.

    I believe it was just some woman doing what many people do these days.
    Right or wrong, but nothing new, and I believe innocent fun.
    She likely took the selfie and sent it to her boyfriend or husband to spice things up.
    Years ago, people had to do this with a Polariod.
    Then destroy the evidence.

    She definitely has a case.
    Show me in any employee handbook where they can reach into your personal life and say what you can and cannot have on your own personal phone.
    It wasn’t pedophilia.
    It wasn’t porn.
    It was nudity of HERSELF!
    That is what amazes me.

    So, she was also naive not to realize that someone would swipe her phone.
    Shouldn’t be a job killer but the punk should be facing charges.

  32. Well loco, you run with a different crowd.
    I don’t know anyone who carries naked pictures of themselves everywhere they go, and I live within a stones throw of the pervert capital of the world, San Francisco.
    Also, my wife works in the school system. There is no ambiguity on the topic. You place nude pictures, especially of yourself, where students can get them, even on the internet and social media, and you are FIRED.
    You and your buddies that like to pass naked pictures of yourselves around on your phones are free to do so, just not in a school or in many workplaces.
    Best yet, keep it private.

  33. JohnS you live near San Fran and THIS is what troubles you?

    I am sorry but I have to call BULLSHIT!
    Total uninhibited bullshit coming from your text here.
    Bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit.

    “where students can get them”

    So, if I go to the liquor store, grab a bottle of liquor and walk out without paying, it isn’t my problem, it is theirs!
    Hey, it was where I could get it.
    Damn, you are indeed a fucking moron!

    Hey, her panties are “where students can get them” you ignorant sack of shit.

  34. One final thing JohnS, where do you live?
    I want to know because if you have anything within reach, it is MINE.
    Yes bitch, your car, TV, treasures.
    If I can get them I can have them.
    They will be mine if within reach, right?
    That is YOUR standard.
    It is up to you to keep them from me.

    See how dumb you sound?
    Perhaps not, you don’t sound like a very intelligent individual.

  35. And lastly: “even on the internet and social media”

    Once again you failed to grasp what this is all about.

    Did she post on social media? NO
    Did she post on the internet? No

    So your stupid straw-man arguments are indeed crap.

    And finally, though I do not have nude photos on my phone, if you STEAL my phone and disseminate my personal pictures I will pound you into dust.
    See, it aint about nudity or what you erroneously call porn.

    Rant over.

  36. I absolutely disagree with the firing. First of all I don’t keep naked pictures of myself anywhere, that’s just weird. But her telephone is her private property the student had no legal right to be going through her telephone.

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