Mentally Unstable Glenn Beck Says He Would Stab Donald Trump His Cohost, Stu, If A Knife Were Handy – IOTW Report

Mentally Unstable Glenn Beck Says He Would Stab Donald Trump His Cohost, Stu, If A Knife Were Handy

“If I was close enough and had a knife, the stabbing just wouldn’t stop.”

ht/ c. steven tucker

69 Comments on Mentally Unstable Glenn Beck Says He Would Stab Donald Trump His Cohost, Stu, If A Knife Were Handy

  1. Tough talker now! Hey Glenny you had your chance to be the alpha male when the Donald invaded your space during your campaign crying session. You wimped out then and will wimp out again. The ‘D’ has your number!

  2. Is that Stu offering his brilliant insights??

    I could “almost” understand the argument that not voting for Trump in the general election could be a strategy to “save the Republican party.”
    This was the argument of the big brain, and singer extraordinaire, Dan Joseph. (Once this ******** calls anyone “dumb” for considering a vote for Trump, all bets are off. ——> this is EMBARRASSING

    But to say that not voting for Trump is going to “Save America” when the alternative is Hillary or Bernie Sanders???????

    Asinine. It’s not even arguable if you claim to be on the right.

  3. This is the problem with GB. He goes off the deep end. It’s not enough for him to point out that Trump is a hypocrite and a progressive who has supported some of the worst dem politicians. He has to compare him to Hitler. And call his supporters “brown shirts”. And predict that the US will turn into some dystopian nightmare if Trump becomes president.

    I agree with him about Ted Cruz. I think Cruz is the best option we’ve had in my lifetime. But that doesn’t mean we need to go full-retard in denouncing Trump.

  4. Fingers crossed! Hope Trump gets the nomination.

    Then, the next worry will be about an assassination masterminded by the permanent DC Establishment. …Lady in Red

  5. Does this lunatic realize that he is turning off Cruz voters? First the brown shirt/Hitler comments, now this. The man is mentally unstable and I would denounce him immediately. You hear that Ted?
    This kind of language and the previous actions of the Cruz campaign drove my mom from supporting Cruz to supporting Trump.
    Idiots, all of them.

  6. Durka durka — I wouldn’t count on it. Even though Beck is an “official” endorser, spox, and campaign contributor. So long as it fans the flames of Trump-hate, the GOPe/Media are going to be good with it.

  7. So let me see if I understand the ground rules for this campaign season;

    Saying this in obvious jest;

    ““If I was close enough and had a knife, the stabbing just wouldn’t stop.”

    Makes you mentally unstable and a real danger.

    But saying this in jest;

    ““I have the most loyal people, did you ever see that? I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot people and I wouldn’t lose voters,”

    Just means you know how to rally your base and you are a leader.

    I do believe we have a double standard here. It appears that for some, it’s support of Trump and bash any opposition first and foremost.

  8. @woody ~ first of all that quote was Trump talking about the media saying that Trump supporters would care if Trump did what he said. You didn’t include the first part of the quote…. just took it out of context

    … but thanks for playing

    Beck is pushing people too Trump …. thanks idiot

  9. @Woody When a Beck attached a real persons name to his rant it’s a dangerous and possibly a serious threat. Trump didnt which means he wasnt being serious.
    If I was Trump I’d call the authorities and have a restraining order put in place cause Beck is whacko!

  10. “Glenn must be out of his “Gandhi Phase”.

    Aunt Liz, I submit that Beck is deep into his “Gandhi Phase”. When you cut through all the leftist bullshit, Gandhi was one sick, twisted freak, too.

  11. Ummmmm………Beck’s co-host Stu came out and said he was not talking about Trump but about him. The outlets that ran with this is are apologizing to Beck. I’m no Beck fan, but this is ridiculous.

  12. Woody, your analysis is ridiculous.

    Trump was commenting on the loyalty of his base using hyperbole.
    He didn’t say “If I was close enough to people on 5th avenue I would start knifing them and wouldn’t stop.”

    Beck was saying he would stab Trump.

    You see a “double standard?”

  13. This post will be updated when Beck updates his story that Trump didn’t disavow the KKK when he had days prior.
    Tapper clearly asks Trump about disavowing GROUPS, the KKK is not GROUPS, it is a group.
    So when you hear Tapper ask, “will you disavow groups,” and Trump asks, “what groups?” the headlines became Trump won’t disavow KKK.

    Fuck ya.

    Beck said he wanted to stab Trump.

    How do you like dem apples?

  14. @This is the real Cruz —

    (from the link) “‘Ted Cruz will become the thing you need him to be so that he wins an election,’ Mazin wrote. ‘No principles, no moral center, no values. Just ambition.’

    Mazin said that ambition came from Cruz’s upbringing: ‘Ted has wanted to be President ever since his father told him that’s what Jesus really, really wanted to happen,’ he wrote on Twitter.”

    This is really unsettling, especially since it seems his short tenure in the senate and his campaign is rife with examples. TPA/TPP especially. He’s the “outsider” who has all the same stuff as a mainstream establishment pol and he lies without compunction.

    And just today another superPAC was created for his campaign:
    “Four political action committees that all bear some version of the name, Keep the Promise, are forming a new fundraising super PAC, called Trusted Leadership PAC, ahead of a slew of March contests.”

    More billionaire oil money behind Cruz. Color me so completely surprised!

    Trump detractors would prefer we get lost in a labyrinth of crap about David Duke — the guy who never endorsed Trump in the first place and a civil lawsuit over his university and whether or not Glenn Beck is crazy, rather than take a closer look at who is backing Cruz and why. Because, you know, all that Trump internet chum is so much more important.

  15. BFH,

    I see two men, both of whom think they are absolute comedians, both of whom think using a an example of murder is funny, trying to make jest about something serious.

    While Beck was directed at Trump, it was very much his stupid form of comedy regarding how Trump couldn’t face up to what he was claiming when it was shown false. Trump, using hyperbole, was making light of how devout his support is in this election and how they don’t care what he does, heck he could kill people.

    Either they are BOTH unhinged and in the wrong, or not.

    I don’t support either of them and I don’t condone what either man said, but yes they are similar.

    If the only difference is one was joking about killing anonymous people and the other was joking about killing an individual then we are splitting mighty fine hairs. I have to wonder why one is acceptable and the other is not.

    So my original point is still the same, either they are both in the wrong or it really doesn’t matter and neither should be listened to in this regard. It seems to be a textbook case of double standard here.

  16. Woody
    “I see”

    No you don’t. Trumps remarks were made as a testament to the loyalty of his base. Beck’s remark was about causing harm to a specific individual.
    No wonder your a Cruz fanatic.

  17. @Navigator — Well if it wasn’t a booger, what was it?? Ewww. The people talking about it aren’t the childish ones. A person who eats random stuff that’s on their face, boogers or not, that is the childish one. Why didn’t he just wipe it away with his hand or a hanky? Ewwww.

    (It was a booger.)

  18. @Woody — One thing I am certain of on this subject is that just like so many other topics, you are determined to get it wrong so that it ends up being nothing against Cruz.

    And I’m not going to reiterate the Trump “shooting someone on 5th Ave.” thing because it’s been debunked and you know it.

    There’s no equivalency to the two examples and you know it. Beck said, given the opportunity, he would commit homocidal overkill on Trump. He would kill Trump. Murder him. The only thing left to talk about is whether or not he’ll be getting a visit from the Secret Service or at least be the subject of a restraining order so that he isn’t anywhere close to Trump in the future, like he was at that caucus site in Nevada. It’s no joke. Anyone who says such a thing shouldn’t be trusted to not carry it out or incite others to do the same.

  19. Beck’s comment was childish
    Having Stu lie about it didn’t help
    Beck was telling us he would ‘Go Mental’ on Trump if he was close,
    A ten year old in an iron lung could kick Beck’s ass.
    Trump shoots his mouth off for a living.
    Beck’s forte is analysis. I expected better out of Beck
    So, Beck. Go to your chalkboard and write 1000 times: I will not be a dumbass

  20. Ok first Bad_Brad, I keep forgetting that to you “nobody is a better comedian” than the “Donald”, your messiah. And remember; “God blessed us with Donald Trump” as you like to say.

    Second Abagail Adams,

    Everything Trump has ever done or said that was wrong, an outright lie, or just plain corrupt has “been debunked and you know it” according to you. I have been civil, but really you are a sycophant for Trump anymore.

    Watch the video of Trump saying exactly what was quoted, he said it in jest and intended it to show what he thinks of his follower and the depth of their devotion, but also it was to be funny about it as well.

    As for what Beck said, it against was intended to be funny and to show how irritated he was with another person.

    Both men are doing the same thing and using murder as their metaphor, it doesn’t work and in my opinion is wrong.

    Now I take issue with your claim that I am defending Cruz because I find treating these two example differently to be a double standard. If this were a representative of Rubio, Carson, or Kasich I would still find it to be WRONG.

    Personally I am just tired of the treatment of Trump and how he is defended by so many when he does these things to HIMSELF. No one sets him up, he is a walking landmine just waiting to explode at any moment and then he has a team that has to rush in and clean up the mess. Add to that the sycophants on the many blogs and he has a huge team to clean up.

    For a man who claims to be a straight shooter, a plain talker, he sure has a lot of people posting revisions for his many miss-statements and a lot of people also posting strategy posts about how brilliant he was because that miss-statement was really some way out strategy that never transpires and eventually the whole strategy is forgotten.

    And your post reads like a textbook “dig Donald out of another hole” post, so that is why it led to this much response.

  21. Woody; A better example is Trump’s recent statement that he would force our military to kill women and children for the crime of being related to someone who is a terrorist. He was informed at the time that such an action would be illegal and that soldiers would refuse to do it. Trump doubled down and said he would force them to do so.
    12 hours later they got his meds balanced and he retracted, saying that as president he would have to obey the law.

  22. After reviewing the following video I am officially downgrading my opinion of Glenn Beck from “homicidal” unhinged lunatic to simply “unhinged lunatic”. Even though this raging lunatic has referred to both Gingrich and Trump supporters as “racists” and Trump as “Hitler” and his supporters as “Nazi Brown Shirts.” I no longer believe he meant he would stab Trump, he instead meant he would stab Stu (jokingly). That is all.

  23. Hypothetically, if we ended up having someone in office like Rubio or Cruz… The chances of our country losing most, if not all, of it’s sovereignty are extremely [horrifyingly] high. Do your research. Google the 7 mountains theology, I wouldn’t trust Ted Cruz with my pet dog, let alone our nation and any bills that would hit his desk.

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