Gun Grabber Hillary – Leaked Audio – Vows To Go After 2A – IOTW Report

Gun Grabber Hillary – Leaked Audio – Vows To Go After 2A


“I was proud when my husband took [the National Rifle Association] on, and we were able to ban assault weapons, but he had to put a sunset on so 10 years later. Of course [President George W.] Bush wouldn’t agree to reinstate them,” said Clinton.

“We’ve got to go after this,” Clinton continued. “And here again, the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment. And I am going to make that case every chance I get.”
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30 Comments on Gun Grabber Hillary – Leaked Audio – Vows To Go After 2A

  1. If we had more people walking around with AK-47’s in the supermarkets I can guarantee people would be much nicer and respectable to each other.

    Hillary shouldn’t worry though, because she’ll be in protective custody behind bars serving what’s going to amount to a life sentence – safe from guns.

    All we need is a DOJ with balls and principle.

  2. Boom, again I need to call Bull Shit on that link. Have you read much Bob Owens? He’s probably a good instructor but I’ll get my facts someplace else. Both of Trumps sons hunt. Trump has a ccw. His kids are active in the shooting sports. Not buying it.

  3. Another indication (to me) that Trump might win is that Putin just pulled out of Syria.

    I’d love to see the heads explode if Trump took credit for Putin’s actions.

  4. BB; when people feel cornered their own positions they feel threatened and start name calling as a defense.
    It is human nature.
    In some that leads to regret for the childish action and an attempt to gain insight as to why their position was so weak in the first place.
    When people band together to do it, however, it is a completely different thing. That is an attempt to silence ideas and speech. Exactly what happened at Trumps rally.

    I think that ship has sailed. Word is the Soviet weapons were failing so often they decided to bail. Plus it was driving them even broker than they already are with oil at rock bottom prices.

    March 14, 2016 at 6:31 pm

    All we need is a DOJ with balls and principle.

    Aaaaand there’s the rub. We all know that.

    So your post amounts to a tease. :-/

  7. Hillary will never understand, it is a constitutional issue not a political issue.

    For Constitutionalists and those who understand why the 2nd Amendment was written and included, it is clear.
    Those who desire to dominate and control the populace wish to destroy the 2nd amendment and the Constitutional protections.

    As repugnant as this is, I’d hold my nose and vote for mccain against hillary.

  8. JohnS:

    Like I said, I think Boom is trying to have real dialogue, and no matter what, he is a conservative so yea, he is one of us.

    But here’s the deal. You just posted this:

    “When people band together to do it, however, it is a completely different thing. That is an attempt to silence ideas and speech. Exactly what happened at Trumps rally.”

    Here’s a thought, people pay money to go see Trump speak. If they don’t like Trump, what are they doing there besides trying to break up the event. Do Trump supporters have the right to hear him speak uninterrupted after they’ve laid their money down?
    I don’t think you are trying to have any real dialogue when you write stupid shit like that.

  9. And with McCainneloehnekasichromneyubio as president, we’d still get amnesty. Which means Texas and Florida go permanently blue, just like California.

    Which means Dems get permanent electoral lock and Obama and Warren get appointed to the Supreme court. Goodbye 1st, 2nd and 4th amendments.

  10. Admit it, you know you all want the civil war we so desperately need. Let Hillary wind and we’ve got it and finally without regret have a chance to dispatch traitors occupying all levels of government, the roaches and leeches. Finally you’ll have the chance to get back at them and have the last word.

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