John Kasich: I’d consider nominating Merrick Garland to Supreme Court – IOTW Report

John Kasich: I’d consider nominating Merrick Garland to Supreme Court


“As someone who’s talked about unity, would you take a look at Mr. Garland…if you were elected president?” host John Dickerson asked Kasich.

“Well, you know, he received you know overwhelming support, I think even from Senator Hatch, so of course we’d think about it,” Kasich replied.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Orin Hatch!

I had no idea….


23 Comments on John Kasich: I’d consider nominating Merrick Garland to Supreme Court

  1. “…even from Oran Hatch…” HAHAHAHA

    Kasich actually has a worse political tin ear then JohnS. He can’t possibly want the job and be flapping his soup coolers like this.

    And Hatch is right up there with McCain only he’s more of a behind the scenes back stabber.

  2. This is the guy who never gets invited to your party because he’s so lame and embarrassing but shows up anyway with one can of bean dip. Having lived through the LA riots, I’m amazed he hasn’t regurgitated “Can’t we all just get along?”. In the immortal words of my sister…. “He looks like the Goodwill smells” but personally, I smell a dumbfuck. Time to take a dive, loser.

  3. The stupidity runs deep with that guy. You know what’s scary, if he would team up with Hitlary they would be tough to beat. Hell, for that matter he could team up with The Bern if justice prevails with Clinton. Stupidity runs pretty deep in this whole country right now.

  4. Around me, you DO NOT use “Uncle Orrin” as a reference. If you do, you have just lost 15 points on a 10 point scale.
    Mr “I’ll only serve one term and then come home” (as he finishes out 30+ years)
    [only the tip, I promise, and I’ll still love you in the morning]
    Whose first campaign slogan was (against Sen Frank Moss, if I remember correctly), “What do you call a senator who’s been serving for 18 years? You call him home!”
    He was RINO before RINO even was.

  5. John … John … eat shit and die …

    and I mean that in the nicest way …

    you lying sack of monkey shit!

    You’ve been hogging at the public trough your whole, worthless life – except when you were a bankster with Lehman Bros. and packed away about $20 Million … haven’t you had enough?

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